Tournament this Saturday from 10am-6pm! Look for pictures and summaries after the event! It should still be a solid tourney despite several people (who will remain nameless) who cannot make it for various reasons. Armies being played include: Vampire Counts, Dwarfs, Ogres or Wood Elves, Orcs and Goblins, and possibly Empire Format is 2250pts and 3 games which will feature various scenrios, specific objectives, and table-specific features
Round 1: Vampire Counts vs. Wood Elves
The battle rages!
Great Eagle and Glade Guard
Eternal Guard led by Lord, Hero next to unit
More dryads
wardancers lead by their champion
dryads on the move to take the bridgeGreat Eagle taking flight
Great Eagle, Wardancers, and Dryads advance
Wood Elves advance on the large wooden bridge
Another shot of Glade Guard
Warhawks and Dryads on the flank
Warhawks and Dryads advance through heave forests
Glade Guard, Dryads, and Mage advance to a hill on the flank
Waywatchers prepare to ambush another unfortunate unit
Dryads advance on the flank