Warhammer Fantasy: August 2008
Tournament The Game Preserve, Lafayette, Indiana
When Saturday August 9th, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
The tournament will consist of 3 rounds. Each round will have specific objectives and/or special features which will affect the battles. Armies are to be 2250pts or less chosen from any of the current Army Book lists (no White Dwarf, trial lists, or alternate army lists allowed). There is no painting restriction, however painting points will be awarded and an award for the best painted army will be one of the prizes. Painting will NOT count towards the overall score as far as determining the overall winner of the tournament is concerned.
Each player must bring one army of no greater than 2250pts. All army lists must be typed and are to be turned in the morning of the Tournament. You should also bring a copy for yourself and perhaps for your opponents.
Armies must be selected from current Army Books. No alternate lists or White Dwarf lists are allowed. No Special Characters.
The following exceptions are allowed: Rhinox Riders, Doomwheels, and Chaos Dwarfs
A player’s will include points in the categories listed below. There are 120 points possible.
- Battle Outcome (0-20 points per battle)- Army Composition (0-10 points per battle)- Sportsmanship (0-10 points per battle)
Overall score penalties will be given for showing up late (-5 points), not putting your name on your army list (-5 points), stalling for time (-5 points), or turning in a hand written army list (-5pts). Further deductions will be applied (if necessary) for unruly or disruptive behavior (the number of points deducted will vary). If a player continues to be disruptive, he or she will be ejected from the tournament.
Prizes will be awarded for the following achievements during the tournament.
- Best Overall Score – Battleforce of your choice- Second Best Overall Score – Regiment Box of your choice- Best Painted – Blister of your choice
Battle Outcome
Each battle a player will be able to earn 20 points by defeating his opponent (killing enemy models and/or various in-game objectives which will vary from game to game). Upon completion of each game, each player will be given a score sheet which will be turned in to the judge once it has been completed.
Army Composition & Sportsmanship
After each game each player will judge their opponent on a scale of 1-10 in two categories. These will be recorded on the Score Sheets. Keep these secret – No-One but the Tournament Judge will see these forms.
Each round will be played to the end of six full turns or 150 minutes, whichever occurs first. At the end of the round, all games still in progress will cease immediately. Any player deemed to be stalling for time will result in a penalty (-5points).
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-12:30 Round 1
12:30-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-3:30 Round 2
3:30-6:00 Round 3
6:00 Awards
Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Mission 3: The Water Treatment Plant
The following is a play-through of tutorial mission 3 from the FWW campaign
book, it incorporates the previous sections of the rulebook discussed in
5 years ago