Hey all, time for something a little different. I managed to dig out my old Hero Quest box for some good old nostalgia. Looking at the old old GW minis in there and the then seemingly 'good' paintjobs I was able to pull off reveal quite a bit of progress compared to my painting level now. Having had these long before I ever discovered Warhammer and concomittantly the 'GW Hobby' (whatever that is), and not knowing much about painting at the time, I just went ahead and painted them with cheap oil-based paints. I didn't know about basecoating, highlighting, drybrushing and various other painting techniques. It's both humbling and refreshing to look at them. So, without rambling much more, the goal for this litle project will be to repaint them all - giving them a much needed facelift. What about you guys? What were the first minis you ever painted? How do they stack up to what you're painting now?