Monday, August 31, 2009

Forgeworld: Newsletter #217

Hey all, time for another Forgeworld Newsletter, this one is definitely for the serious Ork player out there:

"Hi There,
Welcome to the Forge World newsletter and this time we have an onslaught of new Ork releases for the warbosses among you, as well as some updates, events news and our first teasers for the forthcoming Games Day UK. But first we would like to say thank you to everybody that came to see us at Games Day Germany in Cologne for making it such a great show, —now onto the Orks!

Alan Bligh
Forge World

The Great Waaagh Approaches!
We have no less than eight new releases for the Orks this newsletter and observant hobbyists have probably already guessed our renewed focus on the Orks is all to do with our next Imperial Armour book, which will feature these savage xenos in desperate battle against the Imperium. This first big batch of Ork releases features some great new vehicle mounted weapons, a new hybrid Enclosed Trukk model and one brand new full resin tank, —the Ork Big Trakk. These are all superbly detailed models and can add some fantastic variety and character to your Ork Armies. You can see pictures of new releases on the links below.

Our new Ork releases are:

Big Trakk — Designed by Will Hayes (full resin tank model) —This heavy Ork transport can also be used to carry Big Gunz into battle. A brutal-looking machine, the Big Trakk comes with twin-linked big shootas, a massive gas-turbine engine, and ramming tusks. To see images of the Big Trakk click here.

Enclosed Trukk — Designed by Will Hayes and Phil Stutcinskas. (a hybrid resin and plastic model using the Ork Trukk kit). —The model makes for a great alternative for your Trukk fleet as well as an excellent base for your own conversions. Its enclosed cab can also be used to represent the Armour Plates upgrade on a trukk. To see images click here.

Flakk gun — Designed by Phil Stutcinskas (full resin Big Gun with three grot crew and an Ork gunner) —this is a quad-barrelled elevating cannon platform that can give the Orks some much needed air-cover as well as rip apart light vehicle squadrons with ease. To see images click here.

Gretchin Crew — Designed by Mark Bedford (eleven resin grots) —some wonderfully characterful grots to crew your big gunz or use as riggers for your vehicles, and generally make a nuisance of themselves! To see images of the crew on vehicles click here.

Big Zzappa — Designed by Will Hayes (full resin Big Gun with three Grot crew) – this marvellous looking `death ray` is adorned with all manner of strange-looking gubbinz and is as dangerous to the enemy as it is unreliable. To see images click here.

Killkannon — Designed by Will Hayes (full resin Big Gun with three Grot crew) —able to blast apart even heavily armoured troops as the Orks advance, the Killkannon easily lives up to its name and adds heavy firepower to your Waaagh! To see images click here.

Big Lobba — Designed by Will Hayes (full resin Big Gun with three Grot crew) —this somewhat crazed-looking gas-powered bomb launcher is used to lob explosive shells high in the air, and possibly the occasional grot with it! To see images click here.

Supa-Kannon– Designed by Mark Bedford (full resin really Big Gun with three crew, available either on its own or as a compete Battlewagon with Supa Kannon using the plastic Ork Battlewagon kit) —This giant artillery piece looks just as ramshackle and brutal as you might expect from the Orks, and can be used to smash enemy defensives, shatter bastions and fortifications so the boyz can get stuck in. To see images of the Supa-Kannon Battlewagon click here. To see images of the Supa-Kannon click here.

Many of these kits are designed so that in true Orky style you can mix and match between them and particularly in the case of the Big Gunz you can fit them to Trukks, our Half Trakk, Big Trakks, Gun Wagons, Battle Wagons and your own custom models. We also have some great new grots to crew your vehicles and weapons. Each of the new Big Gunz comes with its own crew, and you can also buy the full set of eleven models separately! A quick note on the Supa-Kannon as well, this is a huge gun intended to be mounted on a Battlewagon, Big Trakk or something equally as large! Look out for more Ork releases in the near future.

All of these models are available now for immediate release, and experimental rules for them can be downloaded under the Big Trakk rules Here.

Imperial Armour Volume Seven, The Siege of Vraks Part Three
Our latest Imperial Armour book, detailing the climatic battles and conclusion of the war for the renegade world of Vraks is now available for immediate dispatch. This 220 page full colour hardback is extensively illustrated and has new background text, rules and information on numerous war engines for both the forces of the Imperium and Chaos, as well as new Apocalypse Battle Formations, and two new army lists. This first print run of the book also come with a special slip-case that will fit all three volumes of the bloody saga for the battle of Vraks.

You can buy Volume Seven with the slip case or with the three different Siege of Vraks books (including slip case) together as a trilogy

You can see some sample page spreads of the book Here

Games Day UK 2009
Forge World`s next event is also by far the largest in our calendar; Games Day UK, and we are already in feverish preparation for the big day itself. As ever we will have our whole design team on hand to answer your questions and preview what we have in store for the future, our massive sales stand with a whole articulated lorry`s worth of stock, display boards, special games and more. We have a Games Day UK page on our website which we`ll be updating with new information as we get closer to the event, but rest assured we will have some exciting major new releases for you on the day. More details will be made available in our special Games Day preview newsletters over the next month.

Imperial Armour Update PDFs
Available now to download from our website Here are new rules updates for Imperial Armour Volume One, Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy and Imperial Armour Volume Two, Space Marines and Forces of the Inquisition. These updates bring the game content of these two books into line with the current Codexes on which they are based, so our models can be used in your games of Warhammer 40,000 and Apocalypse without confusion. Further updates covering our other books will be appearing in the near future."

I'm not an Ork player but those are definitely some cool vehicle add-ons! Now that the Siege of Vraks series will be wrapped up, it'll be interesting to see what the next Imperial Armor will contain. Comments welcome!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Painting: Eavy Metal Masterclass - Painting Faces

Hey all, if you struggle to paint faces, then this is the article for you. You'll have to register on GW's site, but it is well worth it. Learn how to paint all kinds of faces not just human ones.

It's nice to see GW really stepping up the web content on their site.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blast from the Past: Hero Quest Chaos Warrior

1 Comment
Hey all, another quick Hero Quest update. I finished one of the Chaos Warriors that came with the game and decided on doing a Khorne scheme for this guy. I think I'll paint each one for a different god. Stay tuned for more updates. Comments welcome!

Monday, August 17, 2009


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Hey all, well unles you've been living under a rock somewhere, you have heard rumors that the classic GW board game Space Hulk was set to receive a major facelift this year. GW has recently clamped down on any and all rumors and leaks so no one was entirely certain what the big mystery box would contain. Those who attended GW Germany confirmed it and the GW newlsetter made it a reality. Space Hulk is back and better than ever! The box and contents simply look amazing! Those terminators are stunning (even more so because they're Blood Angels!)! The box comes in at a hefty $99 but for once this is a price that seems entirely worth it. The minis alone would cost more. Supplies will be limited so get yours while you can. You can check out more info on GW's website here. Comment away!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blast from the Past: Hero Quest Mummy

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Hey all, another Hero Quest update, this timeone of the Mummies. This one technically isn't a repaint since it was a bleached bone color plastic originally. Comments welcome!

Blast from the Past: Hero Quest Orc with Choppa

Hey all, time to dig into the Hero Quest repaint project! First up is one of the Orcs from the game, this one wielding a very early choppa. Nothing to fancy here, just a few highlights and washes. Eventually I'll go back and base all of the HQ minis. Comments welcome!

Gold and Glory Issue 2 Is Out!

Hel all, Gold and Glory Issue 2 is finally out! This issue is packed with tacticas and an epic battle report as well as coverage of the first Golden Pike painting contest! Get yours now!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blood Angels: Devastator Squad 1

Hey all, time for another Blood Angels update. This time it's a Devastator Squad. These guys pack the heavy weapons! For this squad I added in 2 Plasma Cannons and 2 Missile Launchers. I've got enough to field 3-4 devastator squads or to give each tactical squad a heavy weapons trooper. I normally don't bother fielding devs as I'd rather get some tanks in my list but since BA don't have to worry about having troops like these suffer from the black rage anymore (troops had to possibly move forward, kind of like animosity). I will eventually go back and give them their squad marking on their kneepads (too lazy right now) and several of them still need squad and chapter shoulderpads. Comments welcome!

Planetstrike: Aegis Defense Line

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Hey all, picked up one of the Aegis Defense line sets and it is great! For $20 this thing is a ridiculously good value. (Yes, goo value & GW in the same sentence, shocking I know). Having the quad autcannons is worth it by itself. You get over 2' of defense walls too. I can't wait to pick up the Strongpoint set for a big game of Planetstrike. Stay tuned for some pics of the painted Aegis set. Comments welcome!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Angels Sanguine Reaches 300 Posts!

1 Comment
Hey all, Angels Sanguine makes it to 300 posts! Thanks to those who stop by and check it out and add their comments! I'll be tweaking the layout a little bit in the near future. You can look forward to more content and some more articles in the near future as well.

News: Forgeworld Newsletter #216

Hey all, it's time for another newsletter from FW:

"Hi There,
Today we have the long awaited release of our latest Imperial Armour book for you, as well as a great new transfer sheet and some events news, but without further ado, onto the new book!

Alan Bligh

Upcoming Events

Imperial Armour Volume Seven, The Siege of Vraks Part Three
Our new Imperial Armour book tells the story of the gripping conclusion to the nightmarish war for the world of Vraks. Lavishly illustrated in full colour with technical drawings and artwork. This 220 page hardback book features extensive new background text, rules and information on numerous war engines for both the forces of the Imperium and Chaos, as well as Apocalypse Battle Formations, and two new army lists.

To see a list of contents for the book click Here.

You can see some previews and page spreads of the book Here. Also we have some interactive spreads that you can see Here.

The story of the book details the final climatic struggle to decide the fate of Vraks; as the forces of the feared Inquisitor Hector Rex and the Grey Knights add their weight to the battle in a desperate attempt to stem a rising tide of Daemons and the restless dead. Dark entities are summoned by the ceaseless bloodshed from the depths of the Warp to aid the forces of Chaos, and the hellish plans of their leader Lord Zhufor, master of the Skulltakers.

The book contains detailed background descriptions and rules for many vehicles and units including the Greater Brass Scorpion, Blight Drones, Blood Slaughterer, Chaos Reaver Titan, the Minotaur and the Valdor Tank Hunter, as well as characters and unique creatures and daemons such as Inquisitor Hector Rex, Lord Zhufor, Necrosius, Mammon, the Gorefeaster and others. It also contains two complete variant army lists; the Servants of Decay and the Krieg Armoured Battlegroup and eight new Apocalypse battle formations such as the Venatarii Titan Maniple and The Purge. It features colour scheme illustrations for numerous Chaos Warbands, the Grey Knights, Angels of Absolution and Red Hunter Space Marine Chapters as well as various war machines used in the epic conflict.

The book also comes supplied with a double sided (size) poster which you can see Here featuring the dramatic scene of Inquisitor Rex`s arrival on Vraks on one side and the Reaver Battle Titan on the other.

The first 500 copies sold of Imperial Armour Volume Seven, The Siege of Vraks Part Three will be signed by the book’s principle writer, Warwick Kinrade.

The first print run of the book will come with a great free slipcase (which fits all three volumes of the Vraks series.)

Imperial Armour Volume Seven, The Siege of Vraks Part Three is available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 24th of August.

Siege of Vraks Special Offer
If you`ve not yet bought the previous books telling the story of the terrifying war for Vraks, we are also offering a special bundle of all three volumes of the Siege of Vraks together (Imperial Armours Five, Six and Seven) in the new slip case. This offer includes free Express shipping to anywhere in the world for this bundle item only for the total price of £130. You can find more details of this offer Here.

The Siege of Vraks special offer is available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 24th of August and books sold as part of this offer also qualify as part of the signed 500 sold.

Siege of Vraks Imperial Space Marine Transfer Sheet
Our other new release this newsletter is our Siege of Vraks Imperial Space Marine Transfer sheet designed by Stuart Witter. This colour sheet which you can see Here features over 1,000 individual images displaying the iconography and insignia of the Space Marine chapters involved in the Siege of Vraks such as the Red Scorpions, Angels of Absolution and Red Hunters, as well as numerals, Rhino tactical markings and emblems of the Inquisition and the Grey Knights.

The Siege of Vraks Imperial Space Marine Transfer Sheet is available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 24th of August."

Well this issue certainly has some big news. Vraks 3 finally being available is great and will contain a lot of new FW goodness! After the Vraks series is wrapped up the next IA book is rumored to focus on Orks. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

News: FFG to release 'Chaos Marauders'

Hey all, Fantasy Flight games are really making use of their GW license, releasing 'Chaos Marauders', an old old GW game from the 80s. Check out more info here.

From their site: "Attention all Grivziz Dirtballs, Sneaky Gits, and Bozlum Pigstickers! The Crummy Snotling Slaves at FFG have been toiling endlessly to appease their Orcish overlords, and are now happy to say that the daily beatings may soon stop. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of a classic Games Workshop card game, Chaos Marauders!

Originally published in 1987, Chaos Marauders quickly gained a large following for its fast and frenzied gameplay, hilarious cast of characters, and tense player interaction. In this light card game for two to four warlords, each player takes the role of the boss of a ragtag army of Chaos forces. You’ll need to muster and control your three battle lines, each capped off with a Musician and a Battle Standard, more efficiently than your opponents.

The new revised edition will include updated art, subtle rule improvements, and easy-to-use card layouts. It’s no longer necessary to reference the rule book for every special card, so new players can get into the bonecrushing action even faster!"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fantasy Escalation League: July Results

Hey all, just an update to the Challenge Board Escalation League for July

Tier 3

Chris (Dogs of War), Rick (Demons)

Tier 2

Brian (O&G), Carlos (HE), George (Warriors of Chaos), Brian (Tomb Kings)

Tier 1

Matt (Dwarfs), Adam (Brettonians), Brian (Skaven), Steve (Wood Elves), Chris (Lizardmen), Brian (Vampire Counts)

We're now into the last month of the league so battles are now 2000pts!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blood Angels: Custom Shoulderpads

Hey all, time for a quick Blood Angels update. As promised, here are some pics of the custom shoulderpads all of my Blood Angels have. First up are the Chapter shoulderpads, followed by the Squad shoulderpads and the Terminator Honors shoulderpad for the Veteran Sergeant.

40K News: New Guard Tanks Ship!

Hey all, some 40k news here. The new Demolisher and Hellhound plastic kits have shipped and stores have had the black boxes for a while now. After seeing both of these tank kits up close and the sprues, I can definitely say they're both great updates to the old metal/plastic hybrids. Each kits also allows you to field 3 different tanks using the same chassis. The only downside is that both kits are $50. While I don't mind that for the Demolisher, it does seem to be a pretty hefty price tag for a Hellhound. $40 would be a better deal for the Hellhounds but what can you do... In either case, I'll definitely be picking up a couple of the Demolisher kits and probably just 1 Hellhound - and try to do the 3-in-1 conversion so I don't have to buy a tank for each version. What do you guys think?

Blood Angels Assault Squad 1 Complete

Hey all, time for another Blood Angels update. This time it's the complete assault squad! These guys are the last of the White Scars repaints and the first complete squad with the custom shoulderpads: assault pads and chapter pads, with a veteran symbol on the sergeant. I'll post some closeup pics of the shoulderpads soon. Comments welcome!

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