Thursday, December 31, 2009

Flames of War: Eastern Front

Hey all, the new Eastern Front book is almost here! This is a total revamp of the previous Ostfront book, with a more streamlined layout and several tweaks to the various armies. Check out the design notes here!

Monday, December 28, 2009

40K: Knight Paladin complete!

Hey all, here are pics of the Knight Paladin fully assembled! This thing is a beast! Assembly was actually easier than I had anticipated although every piece is pinned for strength and stability. I'll have to add a pic with some other 40K minis so that the size of this thing can be appreciated. Next step is getting this thing painted and then out on the Apocalypse battlefields! Thankfully, BoLS has some rules available for it. Check back for pics of the painted model! Comments welcome!

40K: Knight Paladin

Hey all, time for a special update. I managed to pick up a Knight Paladin off of ebay! This is NOT a GW model. Nevertheless this thing is awesome! You find knight-class titans in Epic 40k but GW/FW has never officially made this type of model. Epicast/Armorcast made a few back in the day but those are extremely rare. The creator of these actually makes a good variety of the Knight-class titans and I will likely order some more in the future. This is a good entry-level model to prepare for the larger Warhound titan which I will eventually get. Check back soon for pics of the completed model! Comments welcome

Friday, December 25, 2009

Imperial Guard: Hellhammer

Hi all, another update for the Imperial Guard. This time, some wip pics of my Hellhammer. The cammo still needs to be taken to the turret and sponson turrets, the demolisher cannon needs finishing, and the heavy stubber gunner as well. Lastly, some numbering/unit markings will need to be added. Comments welcome!

Imperial Guard: Basilisk

Hi all, another update for my Imperial Guard! This time it's a Basilisk. This tank was part of the complete re-dos from a collection I picked up earlier in the year. It was in desperate need of fixing. There are still some detail areas that need work but the main parts are essentially finished. With this beast finished there are only two more tanks left to go for this army (excluding superheavies). Comments welcome!

News: Games Workshop Christmas Newsletter 2009

Hi all, GW sent out a Christmas newsletter with a teaser of new minis coming up in 2010! I must say that they look incredible. The minotaur for the Beastmen looks great from that small pic and the Orks will be getting a plastic dreadnaught (finally). Hopefully the Beastmen gets that kind of love for the rest of their range as that army really is in desperate need of an update.

In this issue: Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Hobby-filled New Year

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Hobby-filled New Year

As 2009 draws to a close, it's worth remembering what a hobby-packed year it has been. It was a year that brought us: new Orks and the incredible Stompa; reinforcements for The Empire and a plastic Steam Tank; War of The Ring and a whole new way to game in Middle-earth; the Planetstrike expansion and a host of towering scenery sets, new Imperial Guard and the hugely popular Valkyrie; Codex: Space Wolves and brand-new Space Wolves miniatures; a new range of Skaven; and of course Space Hulk.

And if you thought that 2009 was a year beyond compare, then you just wait till next year! Here's a sneak peek at some of the stunning sets you can expect to see in 2010:


From all of us here at Games Workshop, have a very merry Christmas.

News: Mantic Games Newsletter

Hi all, another Mantic Games newsletter hits the ol' inbox:

Mantic Games Newsletter
Merry Christmas!

Everyone at Mantic would like to wish everyone A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! The support that we have received this year has been incredible and we fully intend to break into the new year with increased determination and certainly a whole heap of miniature releases. All of this warrants a massive thank you and we look forward to seeing you all in 2010!

Desktop Magic

Yesterday saw the last door of our Advent Calender being opened and the full cover art for the Undead release being fully unveiled. We were so excited by this piece of art, we've had it made into a new downloadable wallpaper for your laptop or computer. Not only will this make your desktop look infallibly cool, but it is also a great way to build yourselves up for the Undead launch in January!

To download your free Mantic Undead Wallpaper, follow this link.

A Bag of Bones

Please do not forget that with any purchase of the Mantic Messenger Bag you can choose any of the Elven or Undead troop boxes, absolutely free. This gives you the perfect opportunity to grab yourself a Messenger Bag and some miniatures, at typical, fantastic Mantic value, whilst also presenting an excellent way of discovering just how good the Mantic figures are.

For your chance to grab yourself a Messenger Bag with a choice of free Elf or Undead troop box, click here.

Furthermore, in addition to the Elven deals we are currently running, we've also added the Messenger Bag to our Skeleton Regiment and Skeleton Regiment Deal. We understand that for an Undead army you need hundreds of skeletons, so we've decided to give you a whole bag load!

You only have until the 15th January to advance order your Messenger Bag with Undead Regiment or Regiment Deal so click here for more details.

Mantic needs you!

Skilled with a paintbrush? Then Mantic wants you!

We are looking for some great painters to show off truly how great our figures look. We need top quality paint jobs to photograph and use on our website, blog and for any event shows we attend. This would work alongside the painters we already have, and gives painters looking to expand their portfolio, break into the industry or simply paint some fantastic figures or units for cash or Mantic credit!

If you are interested in painting for Mantic then please submit your contact details and a few photos of your previous work to

Speaking of painting...

The Galleries

The Galleries is the place where you can get your models shown off on our website. If you've purchased any Mantic figures and have painted them up, then we want to see!

Furthermore, if you have written any Mantic themed fan-fiction, or have drawn any fan-art, then please submit this to us, we'd love to display it on the website.

Follow this link for details on submission, and here to see the latest installment of pet wars as painted by Emac!

Interesting that they are actually looking for quality painters to show off the models! That could be a big opportunity for those with the skills. I must say their undead are looking fantastic so far. Hopefully the entire range will follow soon.

News: Forgeworld Newsletter #229

Hi all, another FW newsletter, and there are some excellent previews! IA Apocalypse II is out and two more chapter specific venerable dreadnaughts are out! Lastly, the 'mystery' mini is a new special character Ork Boss Mek! This appears to be a hint of things to come in the new Imperial Armour which will feature the Orks. With new plastic deff-dreads on the way, the green tide will be getting close to all-plastic like the SM.

"Hi There,
Well Christmas is here, and very quickly too it seems, and at Forge World we`ve had our first snows of the season! In this last newsletter of 2009 we`ve no less than three brand new models for you to pre-order: A Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought, a Raven Guard Venerable Dreadnought, and a new Ork Special Character. These new releases are just the first of many great new models we have in store for you in the New Year.

Alan Bligh

Imperial Armour Apocalypse II Now Available
Imperial Armour Apocalypse II is Now available for immediate despatch. This full-colour, 112 page hardback contains a wealth of datasheets, extra rules and background for your games of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse. You can see some page spreads and a full contents page for the book Here or can flick through some pages Here.

Imperial Armour Apocalypse II is available to order Here.

Space Wolves and Raven Guard Venerable Dreadnoughts
We have two new chapter-specific MKIV Venerable Dreadnoughts, one for the Space Wolves and one for the Raven Guard; both are superbly detailed models designed by Simon Egan. Venerable Dreadnoughts themselves are powerful fighting machines; Heavily armed and armoured robotic frames housing the remains of a legendary chapter hero recovered from the battlefield on the verge of death and encased in Dreadnought armour to serve the chapter with glory for centuries to come.

As with all of our dreadnoughts these models do not come with arms, but instead are compatible with our existing range of MKIV Dreadnought Weapon Arms sold separately.

The Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought as befits the individualistic and savage warriors of Fenris is bedecked in runic carvings depicting the fabled sagas and warlike exploits of the venerated warrior within. It mounts the proud wolf`s head iconography of the chapter, and the skull and pelt of one of the legendary Thunderwolves forms the Dreadnought`s personal banner.

The Raven Guard Venerable Dreadnought belongs to a grim and darkly mysterious chapter. The Raven Guard are the masters of the unseen war, of terror and the execution of the brutal and overwhelming killing blow. The Dreadnoughts of the Raven Guard are often employed as part of that final death strike against the heart of the enemy, erupting from drop pods to sow havoc and destruction. The Raven Guard Venerable Dreadnought carries both the raven-symbol of the chapter on its carapace and banner, as well as various skulls and memento mori that speak of this shadowed chapter`s obsession with fear, fate and death.

Both of these Venerable Dreadnoughts are available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 25th of January.

The Mystery Revealed – Ork Boss Mek Buzzgob!
With the third part of our mystery Jigsaw image I can reveal the hidden model to be Mek Boss Buzzgob, one of the special characters to be found in the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 8. Buzzgob, a marvellously characterful Ork model designed by Mark Bedford, is a particularly infamous Big Mek, about whom more will be revealed later, and comes with his two favoured grot ` elpers, and can of course be used to represent an Ork Big Mek in your army.

Buzzgob and his `elpers are also available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 25th of January.

Christmas Opening Times

Unfortunately we can no longer guarantee delivery before Christmas. We will be working until Christmas Eve to ensure that we dispatch as many of the orders placed this week as possible. We will also be despatching orders between Christmas and New Year to make sure our customers get their orders as quickly as possible throughout the Festive period.

If you have any queries about your order’s status, current shipping times, stock levels or how long an order placed this week will take to reach you, please contact Forge World Customer Services – the team will be pleased to assist you.

Our festive opening hours are

Christmas Eve (Thursday Dec 24th) Open from 9am to 12 midday UK time
Christmas Day (Friday Dec 25th) Closed
Boxing Day (Saturday Dec 26th) Closed
Sunday December 27th Open from 10am to 4pm UK time
Monday December 28th Open from 10am to 4pm UK time
Tuesday December 29th Open from 9am to 6pm UK time
Wednesday December 30th Open from 9am to 6pm UK time
New Years Eve (Thursday Dec 31st) Open from 9am to 12 midday UK time
New Years Day (Friday January 1st) Closed

We will resume our normal service from Monday January 4th.

Special Note: The Price of Mamon! In answer to queries on the matter by loyal subjects of the Imperium: the printed copies of Imperial Armour Apocalypse II have Mamon’s points value correctly listed at 185pts, whereas the sample page spreads first shown were incorrect as they were based on a pre-production draft. The layout servitor involved has been purged! Alan

…and a Very Merry Christmas

The other thing of course to do is wish every one of our customers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and we hope to see many of you in the future at our shows and keep you well supplied with the highest quality books and models we can.

Forge World Catalogue Update Sheet
You can also download our latest catalogue update sheet Here."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Imperial Guard Update: Shadowsword!

Hi all, finally an update that isn't a newsletter! I'll be adding quite a few updates now that I've got more time to get back to painting. First up, another superheavy for my Apocalypse forces! I'm working on converting it so that I can make all 6 variants from one box. 5 of the variants simply involve switching the parts of the gun barrel around :) Stay tuned for some pics once it's assembled. This makes 3 Baneblade class tanks for me! I will probably use the Shadowsword variant the most because we do have a lot of Ork players who bring their Stompas. Anybody else have this kit? What's your favorite variant?

News: Mantic Games Newsletter

Hi all, more news from Mantic. This newsletter has a bit more info on their Undead.

Mantic Games Trade Newsletter
A Bag of Bones

The last deal we ran with the bag was very successful - so much so in fact, we've decided to do it all over again!

If you missed the chance last time round, this offer gives you the option to once again pick up a free Elven troop box of your choice with any purchase of the Mantic Messenger Bag.

Not only that but this offer now includes the option to advance order a Skeleton Troop or Skeleton Command troop boxes with the bag, giving you no excuse not to pre-order these forthcoming sets.

For your chance to grab yourself a Messenger Bag with a choice of free Elf or Undead troop box, click here.

If this wasn't enough, we are now also offering an advance order on a Messenger Bag with the skeleton regiment and the current skeleton regiment deal - what better way is there to store those 60 skeletons?

The bag is the ideal way to store and transport your armies around, and the skeleton regiment deal gives you a shed load of skeletons, at a price you've come to expect from Mantic.

The Undead advance order ends on the 15th January, so click here now to pre-order yours!

Collector's Range

The Collector's Range is proving to be mighty popular and the number of Limited Edition figures is dwindling rather rapidly!

For those of you who have missed it, we have made available a 90mm, high quality resin Elf and Skeleton figure, each a unique model from the Mantic plastic range, and with an individual base (60mm x 60mm), available anyone heroic enough can rank up full unit! We have also added the bow to the Elf miniature and this means you can specify whether you want him to come armed with the bow or spear option (you can even order both, should you want a choice).

Each model comes with its own unique numbered certificate of authenticity, signed by the sculptor, and is despatched in its own Mantic storage/carry case.

Globally we will only ever produce 75 of each, and they are selling faster than we anticipated, please do order quickly to avoid disappointment.

We will be making other models in this range available in the future, so if you want to collect the set please† use the 'contact us' when you order and we will add you to the 'reserved list' for future releases.

Final Sign-off

Just to finish off before the big day hits, all of us at Mantic would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a massive thank you to all of you who have supported Mantic this year. We hope you have a great day and we are very excited by all that is happening in 2010 and we hope to see you at a show or an event! Best wishes.

Mantic needs you!

Skilled with a paintbrush? Then Mantic wants you!

We are looking for some great painters to show off truly how great our figures look. We need top quality paint jobs to photograph and use on our website, blog and for any event shows we attend. This would work alongside the painters we already have, and gives painters looking to expand their portfolio, break into the industry or simply paint some fantastic figures or units for cash or Mantic credit!

If you are interested in painting for Mantic then please submit your contact details and a few photos of your previous work to

Speaking of painting...

The Galleries

The Galleries is the place where you can get your models shown off on our website. If you've purchased any Mantic figures and have painted them up, then we want to see!

Furthermore, if you have written any Mantic themed fan-fiction, or have drawn any fan-art, then please submit this to us, we'd love to display it on the website.

Follow this link for details on submission, and here to see the latest installment of pet wars as painted by Emac!

Downloadable Sleeves

We have made some special Elven sleeves for you, so that you can easily find what you have on the shelf. All you need to do is download, print and cut out and you are ready to go. Click here to read more about the sleeves.

Keep an eye out for more to come about this innovative way of personalizing your own carrier cases, and a 'Design your own' sleeve competition which will see the best cover go into print!

News: GW December Newsletter

Hi all, looks like Gamesday is coming up already, get your tickets now!

The Games Workshop North American Newsletter December 2009
In this issue: North American News and Events

North American News and Events

Below is a selection of events and activities across North America. Go to the Community & Events section of our website to find more events in your area.

Games Day 2010 Tickets Now on Sale! Games Day 2010 Tickets Now on Sale! Games Day will take place on August 21st 2010 in Baltimore, Maryland and tickets are now available online for $25US/$28CA. Games Day is a celebration of the Games Workshop hobby; a day to meet up with old friends and shoot the breeze; a chance to bump into a few of the famous faces from the pages of White Dwarf; an opportunity to re-tell tales of past glories and join the fray upon the many fields of battle that await you.
January Hobby Center Events January Hobby Center EventsAt all North American Hobby Centers, January events include Legions of the Damned, Warhammer Buildings, Tyranid Invasions, a painting competition, and more! Also check out the upcoming Birthday Celebrations in February and March with a variety of limited edition items available only at these Birthday events such as water bottles, key chains, pens, and posters. Don’t forget to prepare your army for the Hobby Center Warhammer Tournament in February! Find out all the details online!
January Hobby Center Grand Openings January Hobby Center Grand OpeningsReceive 10% off a purchase of $50 or more! Make sure you get your 10% off coupon from the January issue of White Dwarf and celebrate the opening of your Hobby Center at the Grand Opening event! This coupon is exclusive to the Grand Opening Hobby Centers in January ONLY so make sure to get down to those stores that weekend! Check the website to see which stores are celebrating this month.
2010-2011 Tournament Circuit 2010-2011 Tournament CircuitOver the years Games Workshop has had a multitude of different tournaments; Grand Tournaments, Rogue Traders, ‘Ard Boyz, Iron Man, Doubles, Campaign Narratives, etc. Starting in January 2010, Games Workshop will be embarking on something far more Grand. We will search for the North American Champion of 40K, Warhammer, and War of The Ring on an annual basis. How will we do this you ask? Find the details and first batch of tournaments online!
Independent Retailers Independent RetailersThere are currently over more than 1,000 Independent Retailers across the country that carry Games Workshop products and that number is increasing every month. Find out what events are going on and which new stores are now carrying Games Workshop product. You can always use the Store Finder online to locate a store near you.
The Academy Program The Academy ProgramWant to learn more about assembling your models, painting, or building an army? Join the Games Workshop Academy Program! Learn Figure Assembly, Priming, and Safety, Painting and Basing, Gaming and Basic Tactics, and How to Build an Army. This also makes the perfect gift for your friend who is new to the hobby or any of your loved ones such as your niece, nephew, father, or wife!
Games Workshop North American Sales Careers Games Workshop North American Sales CareersWe are currently looking for enthusiastic people to fill the roles of Sales Management, Hobby Specialists and Store Managers. Check our CAREER SITE for details of our current open positions in North America.

News: Forgeworld Newsletter #228

Hi all, another FW newsletter! Imperial Armour Apocalypse II is now available!


Hi There,
Some excellent news this Newsletter, we`ve managed to get our latest book, Imperial Armour Apocalypse II, into our warehouse early and so we are putting it out for immediate order! Also, we have news of our last shipping deadlines and of course I can unveil the second part of our Christmas jigsaw mystery image!


Imperial Armour Apocalypse II Available Now!
Imperial Armour Apocalypse II is available to order now for immediate dispatch, and while we can`t guarantee it for Christmas arrival, we will do our best to get it out to you as soon as possible. As we are up to date with orders and working hard right up to Christmas itself, there’s an excellent chance we can get it in your hands before the holiday season is over if you order using our Express Delivery option.

Imperial Armour Apocalypse II is a 112 page, full-colour hardback which provides comprehensive and updated descriptions, background and rules for using all of Forge World`s recent models in your games of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse.

The book is packed with over fifty new Apocalypse datasheets accompanied by lavish photographs, ranging from legendary units like the mighty Reaver Battle Titan to the Daemon Lord Aetaos`rau`keres —Tzeentch`s Slayer of Souls. Included are new Forge World units such as the advanced Tau XV-9 Close Support Armour and the Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod, new Apocalypse battle formations such as the savage Ork Mega-Rippa Krew and the lethal Eldar Death Web, and a few updated and unpublished datasheets as well. Also featured are an updated Apocalypse rules appendix, a unit index and some new optional Apocalypse rules and five new missions to play!

You can see some page spreads and a full contents page for the book Here or can flick through some pages Here.

Imperial Armour Apocalypse II is available to order Here.

News: Mantic Games Newsletter

Hi all, more news from Mantic Games! Looks like their Undead are coming soon!

Mantic Games Trade Newsletter
Undead Concept Art

We are always asked for more information about how a new army gets developed.
It starts with concept sketches, so we thought an insight into the development of the forthcoming Undead range would be appreciated.
This piece of art drawn by Stef Kopinski came from the Undead concept folder, and shows off the look of the new skeletons beautifully.

Here is a photo of 10 plastic skeletons from the command sprue. These go out for painting today - watch this space for a fully painted 28mm regiment soon.

For your chance to get your own skeletons, don't forget the Undead Skeleton Regiment Deal where you can pick up 60 skeletons at knee trembling prices! True army building value - we understand you can never have enough skeletons!

Resin 'Collectors Range'

During our design process we create some finely detailed 90mm resin models - these figures are cast to order by hand and stand three times the size of an ordinary 30mm figure.

At shows and events we have been asked time and again for these to be made available - they have been adored by painters and collectors alike (and a few have mentioned that they would make excellent statues/scenery pieces or unique army giants!).

Due to the resin process mass production is impossible, but we have worked with our supplier to make a limited number available for retail sale.

They are made of high quality resin and there will only be 75 ever produced of the first two in the range. We have made available an Elf and a Skeleton, each a unique model from the Mantic plastic range. There is an option to buy an square individual base (60mm x 60mm), so anyone heroic enough to want a full unit can rank them up!

Finally, each model will come with its own unique numbered certificate of authenticity, signed by the sculptor, and depatched in its own Mantic storage/carry case.
Globally we will only ever produce 75 of these two models, please order quickly to avoid disappointment.

Click here to see the Collectors Range

We will be making other models in this range available in the future, so if you want to collect the set please use the 'contact us' when you order and we will add you to the 'reserved list' for future releases.

Pre-Christmas Shipping!

Orders placed today will get to Europe & UK before Christmas, but we will ship all orders placed over the weekend on Monday - at worst they will be a lovely treat on Boxing day!

Click here to see the current offers

Including the incredible Elven Army deal which has a massive 44% discount or better! The new Elven cavalry on pre-order and a Mantic Messenger bag to carry it all in! This is how we celebrate Christmas, with a generous holiday deal! The offer ends 31st December 2009.

Downloadable Sleeves

We have made some special Elven sleeves for you, so that you can easily find what you have on the shelf. All you need to do is download, print and cut out and you are ready to go. Click here to read more about the sleeves.

Keep an eye out for more to come about this innovative way of personalizing your own carrier cases, and a 'Design your own' sleeve competition which will see the best cover go into print!

Spread the Word

We want some help getting new people to find out about what we are up to here at Mantic Games - and would be very grateful if you would help! We want to create more awareness about Mantic in the wider gaming community. Please forward on our newsletter to anybody you think would be interested in hearing more about our mission here at Mantic.

Thank you.

The forward link is at the bottom of our newsletter mails.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

News: Forgeworld Newsletter #227

Hi all, time for another FW newsletter. The major news here is the impending release of Imperial Armor Apocalypse II which contains several new datasheets and scenarios. There is also a mystery preview pic which seems like some sort of Ork model. Any guesses?

"Hi There,

At Forge World the Christmas countdown continues and everybody here is busily making sure your orders are getting out on time! This newsletter we have a few sneak previews for you as well as some last minute shipping updates.

Alan Bligh

Sneak Peek: Imperial Armour Apocalypse II
Today I have the first preview of our latest book, Imperial Armour Apocalypse II. This is a brand new supplement, featuring no fewer than 46 new datasheets for legendary vehicles and battle formations, bringing together all our recent releases and some brand new models as well. It also features some updated sheets from the first book, hints and tips, optional rules for your games, and five new Apocalypse Missions for you to play. The book is lavishly illustrated with some fantastic colour photographs of our models. This book supplements our first Imperial Armour Apocalypse book, which is still available and should help you get the most out of your Forge World models in your games of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse.

We`ll have full details of the book for you next week, when hopefully the book will also be available to order, but meanwhile Here are a few preview pages.

Special Mystery Preview
With Christmas getting close we thought we`d put together one of our ever-popular mystery jigsaw previews of a forthcoming model for you. You can see the first of our three part preview picture Here. All I can tell you is it’s a new special character for the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 8, so you`ll just have to guess what it is! Lookout for more pieces of the jigsaw in our newsletters leading up to Christmas.

Christmas Ordering Information
There’s still time to order for Christmas! No matter where you live in the world, Forge World can still guarantee delivery of your orders before Christmas by UPS Express shipping.

Remember that if your order totals £250 or more express shipping will be completely free.

If you have any questions about stock availability, delivery times to your specific location, or even just wonder what would make a great gift, the Forge World Customer Service team are available to help. You can either contact them by telephone between 9am and 6pm UK time – just call 0115 916 8177 within the UK; 011 44 115 916 8177 from the US and Canada or 00 44 115 916 8177 from Europe. You can also email - title your email `Christmas Ordering`, and Leanne, Tris, Simon or Ead will get back to you as quickly as possible.

As a reminder, these are our last guaranteed order dates:

UK: 20th December (UPS)
Europe: 20th December (UPS)
USA/Canada: 16th December (UPS)
Rest of the World: 16th December (UPS)

Forge World Catalogue Update Sheet
You can also download our latest catalogue update sheet Here."

News: Mantic Newsletter

Hey all, another Mantic newsletter arrives! Essentially it's more of the same, although they have a fantastic x-mas sale going - 40% off the elf army deal! Now that IS a sale! Comparatively, has GW ever really offered a significant sale or deal? I remember some deals being a mere $5-10 savings, yet they were presented as if it were a major sale. I really do hope that Mantic does well and can offer a viable alternative to Fantasy wargaming. Enough rambling, here is the newsletter:

Mantic Games Trade Newsletter
Pre-Christmas Shipping!

The deadline for pre-Christmas shipping is upon us. Please get your order to us within the next 24 hours (USA) and Europe/UK by Friday and we will get it despatched to be with you for Christmas.

Click here to see the current offers (including the incredible Elven Army deal which has a massive 44% discount or better! The new Elven cavalry on pre-order and a Mantic Messenger bag to carry it all in!)... This is how we celebrate Christmas, with a generous holiday deal! The offer ends 31st December 2009.

...and don't forget it is now possible to pre-order the first release of our next race - the Undead Skeleton Regiment!

Spread the Word

We want some help getting new people to find out about what we are up to here at Mantic Games - and would be very grateful if you would help! We want to create more awareness about Mantic in the wider gaming community. Please forward on our newsletter to anybody you think would be interested in hearing more about our mission here at Mantic.

Thank you.

The forward link is at the bottom of our newsletter mails.

Monday, December 14, 2009

News: Mantic Newsletter

Hi all, another newsletter from Mantic Games was recently released. Looks like they are moving on to produce their Undead range, and so far things look very promising indeed!

Mantic Games Trade Newsletter
The Undead are coming!

It is now possible to pre-order the first release of our next race - the Undead Skeleton Regiment! The regiment box is the same great value as the rest of our regiment boxes, which makes it a great way to get 20 fantastic looking skeletons, including a command group, armed with either spears or hand-weapons. Below is an early picture of the resin work in progress.

To celebrate the pre-order of the Skeletons we have created a special deal consisting of 3 Skeleton Regiments. A total of 60 skeletons for the same price as a warhost!

Click here to order yours.

The deal will close January
Please get your advance order in early!

Mantic Merry Christmas offer!

We wanted to celebrate our 1st christmas - so we thought about the best deal we could offer
We thought that had to be a complete Elven Army, including the long awaited heavy cavalry for pre-order.

The deal will contains:

  • King's Court
  • Dragon's Breath
  • 10 Stormwind Cavalry
  • 2 Elven Warhosts
  • Mantic Messenger Carry Bag
Giving you more than 120 models and the fantastic bag to transport them in! Click here to see all the Elven army offers.

To guarantee pre-Christmas delivery please place your order now.

Final shipping for Xmas

  • 16th December outside the UK
  • 18th December within the UK.
Bases are now available

You can now purchase separate sprues of 10 20mm bases in our online store. Click here to order them.
PayPal on UK orders!

It is now possible to pay with PayPal in our webstore. This is currently only available to do on UK orders but we are working intently on making it possible for all three currencies.

YouTube Video Blog

This week saw the release of our new video blog called "What's in the box?" You can watch it on the YouTube link below or watch it on the manticblog.

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