Sunday, February 28, 2010

News: Mantic Newsletter

Hello all, another Mantic newsletter is out and this one brings us the release of the Undead Revenants! These guys look fairly good although I'll have to see more pictures for a better review of them. If you are ordering, they are doing their FREE shipping deal again, which is just awesome! A certain other company should consider a deal like that with new minis being released.

Mantic Games Newsletter
Mantic Games releases the Undead Revenants

This week sees the new Revenant Regiment up for advance order.

This regiment allows you to add a heavily armoured skeleton unit to your Undead Army, and each set comes with loads of head swaps, extra bits of Revenant armour and numerous conversion possibilities. Keep watching the Beast of War site next week for a world exclusive review of the new Revenant regiment set.

This unit will be shipping within the next few weeks – and to celebrate the launch we will be doing our now legendary (well nearly!) 3 regiments for £30 launch offer, which you can have on our free shipping offer – quite frankly you’d be mad not to!!
Please note

This weekend is your last chance to order the Morgoth's army deal. Click here to see the offers - and if you want Morgoths, buy it this weekend - it comes off sale on Sunday midnight.

It's been a while...

This week also saw the MD of Mantic Games returning to the mantic blog with a very interesting post. Click here to read it.

News: Forgeworld Newsletter 231

Hi all, time for another FW newsletter and this one is packed! The new Valkyrie heavy lift variant is pretty cool, although you would only use it with the Tauros. The new Ork Killbursta looks amazing as well! There is also some info regarding FW Open Day and the new catalog! Read on...

Hi There,
This newsletter we have three fantastic new releases for you; the Valkyrie Sky Talon Transporter as well as the Ork Kill Blasta and Kill Bursta. We can also reveal more details of the forthcoming Open Day along with two other events that we will be attending in the first few months of 2010.

Ead Brown

Valkyrie Sky Talon
Valkyrie Sky Talon
A heavy lifter variant of the Valkyrie airborne assault carrier, the Sky Talon can swiftly carry a Tauros Venator deep behind enemy lines for long-range operations. Its heavy-duty magnetic clamps allow a Tauros Venator to be deployed directly into a combat operation, allowing the assault vehicle to operate far longer without supply.

The Sky Talon is armed with a chin-mounted Heavy Bolter and the kit contains options for either wing-mounted Hellstrike missiles or multiple rocket pods, allowing the pilot to strafe a hot drop zone before deploying its cargo.This complete resin and plastic hybrid kit, designed by Will Hayes, uses sprues from the plastic Valkyrie.

You can view more pictures of the Sky Talon here, and it is available to order here for immediate release.
Full rules and background for the Sky Talon will be included in the forthcoming Imperial Armour 8.

Ork Kill Bursta and Kill Blasta ‘Eavy Tanks
Ork Kil BlastaThese two fearsome machines of destruction are variants on the Kill Krusha, nefarious brainchild of the Murda Meks of Tigrus. Both new kits come with a highly characterful Ork commander and Grot communication system, as well as additional turrets for even more dakka.
With typical Ork ingenuity, Mekboys often nail huge rams and bulldozer blades to the front of what are collectively known as Kill Tanks – all the better to crush and bludgeon the enemy as these brutal vehicles plough through even the heaviest fire.

These huge models are hulking, slab-sided armoured behemoths: each model is around 10’’ long, 5’’ wide, and 5’’ high – take a look at the picture galleries below to see these new Kill Tanks compared to other kits in the Warhammer 40,000 range.

The Kill Bursta mounts a huge-bore Kannon capable of destroying bunkers and siegeworks with ease – the calibre of its devastating shells are such that a single round has even been known to tear the leg from a scout-class Titan (although this could be as much down to luck than the skill of the tanks crew). More pictures of the Kill Bursta can be found here.

The Kill Blasta mounts an insane array of Shootas, Gatlers and rapid-firing Kannons, collectively called a Giga-Shoota. This arsenal of dakka is wired to fire at the same time, engulfing anything unlucky enough to be within range in a fury of shot and shell, leaving nothing but scorched earth and fragments of flesh and armour. More pictures of the Kill Blasta can be found here.

Both Kill Tanks are full resin kits designed by Darren Parwood, with crew sculpted by Mark Bedford, and are available to order here for immediate release.
Full rules and background for both the Kill Blasta and Kill Bursta will be included in the forthcoming Imperial Armour 8.

Forge World Open Day 2010
Remember, remember March 28th – the fourth annual Forge World Open Day. This great event will be held at Warhammer World here in Nottingham. Doors will open at 10am and the show will close at 4pm, and admission is completely free!
Our whole Studio design team will be showcasing lots of work-in-progress models and artwork, and you will be able to get your first look at proof copies of the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 8; Raid on Kastorel-Novem.

This year’s event will be the debut of a brand new Apocalypse participation game, featuring a Titan battlegroup squaring off against a deadly Ork Stompa mob, as well as other fantastic games.
The Open Day will also see the unveiling of our brand new Show-Only model for 2010 – more details will follow in future Newsletters, but for now all we can tell you is that it’s an incredible figure!

We are currently taking reservation orders for the Open Day. Our sales stand will carry a wide range of Forge World kits, but you also can place a reservation order. This is the best way of getting exactly what you want, as we will ensure your order is packaged up and waiting for you at the Reservation point on our stand – you will be able to collect it at any point across the day, which means that you can spend more time enjoying the rest of the show.

To place a reservation, just send an e-mail to including your name and a list of everything you’d like to reserve, and title your e-mail ‘Open Day Reservation’. You can also place a reservation order by telephone – just call 0115 916 8177 if you live within the UK; 00 44 115 916 8177 from much of Europe or 011 44 916 8177 from the US and Canada.

Forge World Events News
Forge World will be attending Games Day France on April 18th at the Parc Floral de Paris, and Salute on April 24th at the Excel Centre in London – more details for each of these shows will follow on our Events pages.

We are now taking reservations for Games Day France – just send an e-mail to including your name and a list of everything you’d like to reserve, and title your e-mail ‘Games Day France Reservation’. You can also place a reservation order by telephone – just call 0115 916 8177 if you live within the UK; 00 44 115 916 8177 from much of Europe or 011 44 916 8177 from the US and Canada.

New Catalogue
Our new 2010 catalogue is available now. If you would like a free copy of the Forge World 2010 catalogue, please send an e-mail with your name and full postal address to
Alternatively, you can request a catalogue by telephone. Just call 0115 916 8177 from the UK; 011 44 115 916 8177 from the United States or Canada; or 00 44 115 916 8177 from much of Europe, and our Customer Service team will be happy to take your details.

News: GW Newsletter - Orcs & Goblins Incoming

Hello all, just had this GW newsletter hit the inbox! Orcs & Goblins are going to be getting some serious attention in the near future!

The Games Workshop Newsletter 28.02.2010
In this issue: More Orcs & Goblins coming in May

More Orcs & Goblins coming in May

Orcs & Goblins are the scourge of the Warhammer world, an unending tide of ferocious raiders. For every greenskin Waaagh! defeated on the field of battle, another arises to trample a swathe of destruction across the land. Orcs and Goblins live to fight!

Orcs & Goblins are one of the most popular Warhammer armies and it's not difficult to see why: they can field warriors of all shapes and sizes from tiny Snotlings to Giants, and every shape of Orc and Squig in-between. They have access to a bizarre array of war machines and mounts, and some of the most entertaining special rules of any Warhammer army. And thanks to their inclusion in the great-value Battle for Skull Pass set, are often the first army a hobbyist collects.

So this May we're celebrating the Orcs & Goblins in all their choppa-wielding glory. We're under orders from the Big Boss to keep quiet about exactly what's going on so be sure to check out in April when all will be revealed and pick up May's issue of White Dwarf for an in-depth look at all things green.

Orcs & Goblins

Saturday, February 20, 2010

News: Mantic Games Newsletter

Hi all, time for another Mantic Newsletter. More undead are on out now! The Ghouls look excellent! There is also a free worldwide shipping offer so check it out:

Mantic Games Newsletter
Fleshing out the ranks

The sprues are in and the boxes are shipping – the Ghouls have been unshackled and unleashed into the world!

Driven by primal bloodlust and unbound fury, these depraved creatures are now part of a 10 man plastic box set. A Ghoul Troop offers all sorts of extra bits for you to play with, and the ball join on the torsos offers extra pose-ability meaning no two Ghouls need ever look the same!

Free Postage – Worldwide!

From today until midnight 28th February, we're offering free postage on everything – to everywhere!

So no matter where you are, or whether you want a pack of incredible new Ghouls, an Elven Spearman Regiment, a limited edition Collectors piece or Mhorgoth’s huge Undead Army now is the time!

To claim worldwide free delivery simply type in FREEDELWW in the discount code section.

Some of our deals and offers contain whole heaps of plastic and metal figures, so if you've been tempted by something already, or thought something was a little out of reach, now is the time to grab it! Click here for the store.

Doing it for yourself

Last week we put new articles by The Army Painter onto the website, showcasing how they've gone about building and painting their Skeleton Regiments.

Now in the webstore is a new bundle designed to paint big Undead hordes. It combines Anti-shine Matt Varnish, Strong Tone Quickshade and, new to the store, Skeleton Bone Colour Primer. We already know from our most recent challenge that Mantic kits are easy and quick to build; now this bundle will let you paint your skeletons quickly and well!
Click here for the store.
Challenge continues!
Last week we raised a challenge – can you beat the boss in speed building a unit of 10 Skeletons?

We'd like to congratulate Jozsef Ottucsak who wins himself a Warhost by setting a time of 11:48. Just as we went to print, his time was beaten by Viv Chandra in a time of 11:33, so he’s won a Warhost too!

Now the question is this... can you beat him?! Click here for the challenge! Whoever has set the new lowest time by Monday March 1st wins a Warhost!

New Releases
The Undead range is ever growing with the following now released:
  • Undead Ghoul Troop
  • Undead Skeleton Troop
  • Undead Skeleton Command
  • Undead Skeleton Regiment
Also, coming this month:
  • Elves Stormwind Cavalry
  • Undead Revenant Regiment
  • Undead Soultaker Detachment
For more information on the latest releases, advance orders and army deals from Mantic, click here.

Media Spotlight
We'd just like to take the time to show our recognition for all those that support us and give their time for the Mantic cause.

The Chamber of Kings is a dedicated fan-forum set up by Maxwell McDougall, and includes discussion on news and rumours, miniatures and project logs. It can be found here.

We hope he enjoys the Skeleton sprues we've sent him in the post as a thank you!

On that note, we really want to fill the gallery with pictures of your Mantic models - please send them in using the contact us form on the site.

News: GW Newsletter - lastic Winged Nazgûl; Rohan and Isengard Reinforcements‏

Hello all, another GW newsletter hits the ol' inbox. Looks like the plastic winged Nazgul kit is finally out as well as Isengard Reinforcements:

The Games Workshop Newsletter 19.02.2010
In this issue: Out Now: Plastic Winged Nazgûl; Rohan and Isengard Reinforcements

Out Now: Plastic Winged Nazgûl; Rohan and Isengard Reinforcements

Out now, the new plastic Winged Nazgûl makes it easier than ever to add multiple, unique-looking Fell Beasts to your The Lord of the Rings collection. The Ringwraiths are the most deadly of all Sauron's captains, so it's fortunate that there are also some reinforcements for the forces of Good on sale today, including a dynamic new sculpt of Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark.

Winged Nazgûl Winged Nazgûl This all new plastic box set can build either a Ringwraith mounted on a Fell Beast, or the Witch-king himself mounted on his armoured Fell Beast and includes a sculpted scenic base. Add the Winged Nazgûl to your Mordor Legions and watch the Free peoples cower in fear.
Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark Éomer, Marshal of the RiddermarkThis new version of Éomer makes an ideal leader for an Éored of Riders of Rohan, Rohan Royal Knights, Rohan Outriders or Sons of Eorl formation. Have this Epic Warrior of Edoras lead your Rohirrim to battle.
Grimbold GrimboldGrimbold's Helmingas are a Legendary Formation of Warriors of Rohan who benefit from +1 Courage. Add Grimbold's Helmingas to your army today. Grimbold's Helmingas Command Grimbold's Helmingas Command This set includes a Rohan Banner Bearer. Add the Hornblower to any of your Rohan formations to add +1 to it's move value.
Saruman (Orthanc) Saruman (Orthanc)Our first ever sculpt of Saruman the White mounted on horse. Add this mobile, magic wielding Epic Hero to your formation of Warg Riders or Morgul Knights. Thrydan Wolfsbane Thrydan WolfsbaneNo Isengard force should be without Thrydan Wolfsbane, a Dunlending Epic Hero who will stand fast no matter how desperate the situation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

News: Forgeworld Newsflash

Hi all, Slick here. A little tidbit of news from Forgeworld regarding the 2010 catalog as well as the date for this year's FW Open Day!

"Hi There,

We have some exciting news for you in this newsflash regarding our new 2010 catalogue, and a date for your diary; this year’s Forge World Open Day.

Ead Brown

New Forge World Catalogue Now Available!
Our new 2010 catalogue is back from the printers, and we are dispatching them now.

If you would like a free copy of the Forge World 2010 catalogue, please send us an email with your name and full postal address to – we will be posting these out as quickly as possible.

Alternatively, you can request a catalogue by telephone. You can call 0115 916 8177 from the UK; 011 44 115 916 8177 from the United States or Canada; or 00 44 115 916 8177 from much of Europe, and our Customer Service team will be happy to take your details.

Forge World Open Day – March 28th 2010
We are pleased to announce that the annual Forge World Open Day will be held on March 28th at Warhammer World in Nottingham, from 10am to 4pm.

Entrance is again completely free, and we will have a full range of Forge World projects and new releases on display, including a host of work-in-progress models and artwork from our Studio design team as well as some fantastic participation games and our massive sales stand.

Last but not least, you will be able to enter our traditional charity Titan raffle!

More details will follow in future newsletters.

New Models – Coming Soon…
You may have noticed that we have not released many new products in the last few weeks. Fear not, we have plenty of fantastic new releases coming soon, along with a brand new Forge World website and online store!"

Monday, February 15, 2010

News: GW Newsletter - War of the Rings Battalions

Hi all, another GW newsletter, this time shedding some light on upcoming releases for WotR.

The Games Workshop Newsletter 02.14.2010
In this issue: Incoming! War of the Ring: Battlehosts

Incoming! War of the Ring: Battlehosts

In May the armies of Middle-earth march to war, the mightiest heroes of the War of the Ring at their head. These fighting formations are known as battlehosts, powerful units comprising groups of legendary warriors and great heroes that are far greater than the sum of their parts. War of the Ring: Battlehosts is an 80-page supplement, detailing all that you need to know to include battlehosts in your own army. There are battlehosts included for every army, from the Riders of the Westfold to Dalamyr's Corsairs, so no matter what faction you collect, there's a battlehost for you. The book is also packed with new fortunes and fates and loads of great hobby advice for modelling and painting your own distinctive battlehosts.

As well as the supplement, Battlehosts will be accompanied by a fantastic range of Citadel miniatures. All will be revealed in April's issue of White Dwarf magazine, and on the Games Workshop web site, so keep an eye out for more information.

War of the Ring: Battlehosts

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

News: GW Newsletter - Advance Orders Battle Missions

Hey all, another GW newsletter is out and this one is actually packed with upcoming releases. It is nice to see Battle Missions stuff coming up for preorder and there certainly are some cool releases that coincide with the expansion. The plastic venerable dreadnaught looks great. For Ork players, having plastic deff dreads and killa kans is going to be awesome! The new Imperial Guard releases are a bit of a letdown. First we have the new Chimera which mainly features cosmetic changes - yes it is nice to have the various turret options, but it does not look like they are including the tank upgrade sprue anymore which will be a bit annoying if you want to deck out your Chimeras with heavy stubbers etc. The big failure here is the new Basilisk kit. It was rumored that there would be a 2-1 or 3-1 kit that would feature a Basilisk, Medusa, Griffon or Bombard since they all share the same chassis and are virtually identical save for the different guns. It really would not have been difficult for GW to fit 2-3 different guns onto the sprue and offer up an amazing kit that would make mulitple tanks - they did manage this with the Russ Demolisher kit which turned out to be excellent. This really seems like a step backwards and throws into question the release of these other variants. Will they remain FW only? Is GW going to release a kit for each individual tank? (seems stupid but this is GW...). Considering that the Basilisk really is not on anyone's favorite list right now, it seems silly to release it as a solo kit. What do you guys think?

The Games Workshop Newsletter08.02.2010
In this issue: Advance Order Battle Missions, Space Marine Venerable Dreadnought, Ork Walkers & Imperial Guard Tanks

Advance Order: Battle Missions

Battle Missions is a brand-new supplement for Warhammer 40,000 that contains more than thirty new missions for you to play. Each mission is designed to provide you with a battle that will really challenge your ability as a commander on the war-torn battlefields of the 41st Millennium.

Warhammer 40,000 Expansion: Battle Missions Warhammer 40,000 Expansion: Battle MissionsNo matter what Warhammer 40,000 army you collect, Battle Missions will add a new dimension to your games and expand your knowledge of the background and battle-tactics of the armies of the 41st Millennium. This is a must-have book for all Warhammer 40,000 collectors.
Back to Top

Advance Order: Space Marines; Orks; Imperial Guard

Released alongside Battle Missions, the all-new Ork Deff Dread and Space Marine Venerable Dreadnought are among our most impressive plastic kits to date. Take a look at them and the other new Warhammer 40,000 models available to advance order below.

Venerable Dreadnought Venerable DreadnoughtVenerable Dreadnoughts are as lethal at range as in close assault. This new plastic kit is the most detailed Dreadnought to date and comes with dozens of optional extras. Deff Dread Deff DreadDeff Dreads epitomise three main ideals of Ork warfare: big, shooty and stompy. This new plastic kit comes with a host of optional components that enable you to assemble your own custom Deff Dread.
Killa Kans Killa KansKilla Kans are for the first time available as a multi-part plastic kit, so you can assemble these ramshackle, Orky walkers in whatever manner you choose. Ork Flash Git with Targeting Squig Ork Flash Git with Targeting SquigFlash Gitz love to strut their stuff and vaporise their enemies with their kustom shootas. Add some extra dakka to your Ork units with this characterful model.
Imperial Guard Chimera Imperial Guard ChimeraChimeras are an integral part of any Imperial Guard army. This updated kit is now more straightforward to assemble than before and includes all the weapon options from Codex: Imperial Guard. Imperial Guard Basilisk Imperial Guard Basilisk Pound the enemy into the dirt with the thunderous shells fired by this mobile artillery platform's massive earthshaker cannon.

Monday, February 8, 2010

News: GW Six Months Results

Hi all, GW has just released their regular 6 months financial report. Check it out here.

All in all, they have seen increased profit and revenue but overall there is a decline in sales. The usual doom and gloom predictions one can read about the future of GW do not seem to be the case, at least for the forseeable future. It will be important to watch if they will be introducing another round of price increases anytime soon. Your thoughts?

Friday, February 5, 2010

News: Mantic Newsletter

Hey all, Slick here. Another Mantic newsletter just hit the ol inbox. Not too much new here, although it is nice to see some painted pics of their Undead minis. Also, Mantic has added Paypal. I like the bit about 'the customers spoke and so we listened' (paraphrase). I wish a certain other company would do that more often, don't you?

Mantic Games Newsletter
The dead rise once again...
now in colour!

With the Undead launch fully under way and the skeletons shipping to the four corners of the globe, the flurry of Undead content continues.

Conflict in Colour has been busy again and have given us 20 painted skeleton models. Mark couldn't resist adding in the odd conversion or two, and he's really highlighted what Mantic sprues are all about - they are fun, characterful and full of modelling potential! We've got a picture of the figures "at the painting table" on our blog, but for now, here's a sneak peek!

Photographs of the painted regiment will make it to the website in the next couple of days, and the guys from the Army Painter are working on a huge Undead Legion. Until then, we have put up images of the plastic skeletons to everything from Mhorgoth's Undead Army, to the Skeleton Regiment set, in the Undead section of the shop, and there's more in the Book of the Dead.
Mantic goes international

Mantic is going to be featuring heavily in the next issue of Tabletop Insider Magazine. As it's in German, we've created this page here for all of you where German is your first language. Have a read!

Update: Paypal

The masses spoke, and so Mantic reacted. In an effort to improve your shopping experience, we now have Paypal for countries outside of the UK.
Fast, safe and secure, paypal lets you shop without having to use a card, for total piece of mind.

News: GW Newsletter - Beastmen & Legion of the Damned

Hey all, Slick here. The latest GW newsletter just arrived and it is packed with new Beastmen info! The new releases have definitely brought this army to prominence. The newsletter also contains some new Legion of the Damned information as well! Thoughts on the new Beastmen?

Games Workshop
The Games Workshop Newsletter 06.02.2010
In this issue: New Beastmen & Legion of the Damned

Beastmen: Out Now

The Beastmen are a savage horde of twisted creatures who seek to tear apart all that lies in their path. For the first time ever these true Children of Chaos have their own, stand-alone army list. Warhammer Armies: Beastmen is full of unruly herds, twisted monsters and gargantuan beasts. And it, along with a range of new Beastmen miniatures, is available to order today.

Minotaurs MinotaursMinotaurs are the largest of all the Beastmen warriors and are for the first time available as a multi-part plastic set, making it easier to field unique units of these towering brutes.
Bestigor Herd Bestigor HerdBestigor are the elite of the Beastmen infantry. More aggressive and bloodthirsty than the rest of the warherd, they are armed with the best weapons and armour, and are an ideal unit to build your battle-line around.
Gor Herd Gor HerdGor are the Archetypal Beastmen and should form the bulk of any Beastmen warherd. With a Weapon Skill and Toughness of 4, Gors are more than a match for the warriors of other races.
Ungor Herd Ungor HerdUngor are sly and dextrous, and can fight with short bows, spears or hand weapons. Able to disrupt an enemy's advance and ambush his war machines, they are essential to your warherd's success.
Warhammer Armies: Beastmen Warhammer Armies: BeastmenThe ultimate guide to the history and forces of the Beastmen, this is the first ever stand-alone Beastmen army book and contains all of the rules and information you'll need to field a Beastmen army.
Doombull DoombullDoombulls are the most powerful Beastmen combat characters. Strong as Dragons, they can lay waste to entire regiments and pulverise the most stalwart of characters. Razorgor Razorgor Razorgor are a brand-new unit type that charge into enemy units like living chariots, delivering four Strength 6 Attacks.
Ghorros Warhoof Ghorros Warhoof Ghorros Warhoof has fathered thousands of powerful Centigors and grants any unit of Centigors he leads +1 Weapon Skill. Malagor the Dark Omen Malagor the Dark OmenMalagor is a brand-new Bray-Shaman special character whose wicked presence makes it harder for enemy units to pass Leadership tests.
Back to Top

New: Legion of the Damned

Out now are four new Legion of the Damned blister packs. So there are now 17 unique Legion of the Damned models, making it easier than ever to fill out your Elite choices with Legion of the Damned squads.

Damned Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon Damned Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Power WeaponThis Legion of the Damned Sergeant, armed with bolt pistol and power sword, is an ideal alternative to the Sergeant found in the Legion of the Damned Squad box and comes with his own unique back-banner.
Damned Legionnaire with Flamer Damned Legionnaire with FlamerAble to Deep Strike and with multiple Attacks, your Legion of the Damned squads are likely to be in the thick of the fighting. Even the odds against horde armies with this flamer armed Legionnaire.
Damned Legionnaires 3 Damned Legionnaires 3 This pack of two Damned Legionnaires with boltguns is ideal for adding extra members to your Legion of the Damned squad. Damned Legionnaires 4 Damned Legionnaires 4 Add additional members to your Legion of the Damned squad with this set of two Damned Legionnaires armed with boltguns.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

News: Mantic Newsletter

Hey all, another Mantic newsletter comes our way. Not too much 'new' stuff here although they are offering a 10% discount just for signing up for the newsletter! Quite the deal compared to GW's usual idea of a sale. The newsletter also has a nice picture of a painted elf army and I must say it looks good. Not sure why some people take issue with the look of Mantic's minis. It is refreshing to see a fantasy miniature that is the typical GW version of an elf. Enough rambling, here is the newsletter:

Mantic Games Newsletter
Pimp my Box - it is Design-a-sleeve Competition time!

It's time to get your thinking caps on and your creative fingers out, it's competition time at Mantic Games!

Your challenge is this:

Using the template provided on the website, design a sleeve that can be used as a cover for the Mantic carry cases. You could make the case look like a leather bound book, it could feature your favourite army, or you could totally let your mind go wild, as long as your follow the rules, (almost) anything goes. We will publish as many entries as we can for free download. so you can share and swop your covers, and individualise your boxes.

For the winning entry we are offering a prize of £100 worth of Mantic products, and you we will also see in print your sleeve in a limited run. They wil be supplied with the blank cases that come bundled in a messenger bag, as well as the individual cases which we will be selling separately soon. There are 3 second place prizes to be had, so get creating, you've got until the 30th April to submit your designs!

For all the details on prizes, rules and submission, and to get your downloadable template, click here for the competitions page.

To view more on the joy of Mantic Carry Cases - then view 'What's in the box - Episode 3

Continuing with the cases theme, we've posted a new video on the blog demonstrating how you can personalise your boxes, and also showing off our downloadable inlays. Definitely worth a watch, even if it is only to see a rather excitable Ronnie!

Check it out here.

The Army of Maccwar

We're seeing more and more pictures of painted Elves hit the interwebs and this pic certainly caught our eye. Painted and photographed by Maccwar, this army is built from an Elven Warhost and a Kings Court set.

More pictures from Maccwar's army will be featured in the mantic blog later on this week, so keep checking back for the latest updates!

A discount code, surely not...

We're once again offering a 10% discount with the newsletter sign-up code after the mighty response we had the first time round.

Get a friend to sign-up to the newsletter and they will receive a 10% discount code with their confirmation email. Furthermore, the code you received when you signed up initially has been reactivated (it is NEWSLET01 in case you forgot!), meaning once again you can get a tasty discount when using the webstore. Considering the new Undead Army Deals with some free minis and the Undead Pre-orders, never has there been a better time to get your hands on Mantic goodies!
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