We need to clear some space in the warehouse, so there is 15% off Mantic Products* until the end of February! This is a one off event, and ends soon.
Spend over £50/€75/$99 in the Mantic Store and we’ll apply the discount automatically, so you don’t have to do a thing!
*Please note that after the raft of extra minis we’ve stuffed into them, this offer excludes the Super-sized Army Deals. The Abyssal Dwarfs and Dwarf King’s Hold are also exempt.
Around this time last year, Mantic moved offices. Desk space had become a premium and chairs had become a luxury, so off we moved to a new location that allowed ourselves some more leg room and everyone a nice comfy seat. Well, now it’s time to expand again and this time we are moving warehouses!
In the next month or two we’ll be moving to a bigger location. This means that we will deliver quicker order turnaround, faster response rates, hold more items in stock and offer an improved ability to service the most important aspect of all; our hobbyists. With Dwarf King’s Hold and the Orc range coming as well as one or two surprises coming later, we’re gearing up for one heck of a year.
Anyway, we’ve decided we need a little bit of help in clearing out our old warehouse and we figure the best way to do this is to offer you all 15% off until the end of February!
This offer covers almost our whole range of products, everything from our Mantic Journal all the way up to our biggest army deals like the Liche King’s Eternal Horde!

Dwarf Kings Hold!
All of us here in Mantic Towers are very pleased with how the Dwarf King’s Hold game is shaping up, when we look over the quality of the figures (there’s nothing like having them in your hands!), the production values that have gone into the artwork and packaging, the rules and the way the game plays, it’s easy to think that this might just be the best darn thing to come out of Mantic yet.
We think the cover looks exceptional:

Jonas Springborg has blown us away again with this piece of art, we can't wait to see what he has for us next!
Jake Thornton has written us a fun, action packed game that will keep you entertained for hours on end.
Here is an example of what a game of Dwarf King’s Hold will look like:

There are 6 official scenarios with the rules, but the fantastic tiles from Tears of Envy have been designed to allow you to think up your very own scenarios - the possibilities are endless! And having heard the plans Mantic and Jake have for follow-ups and expansions this will be a very interesting game series.
We are very proud of Dwarf King's Hold. If you have been following Beasts of War you will see that they have started to look at the game, and keep an eye out as very soon Jake will be heading over to join them for a number of interviews, where they present an exclusive first review of the game with the rules writer himself, definitely worth a watch!
Dwarf King’s Hold: Dead Rising will begin shipping on the 28th March and you can pre-order your copy here.