Sunday, July 31, 2011
Basing: Dragon Forge Desert Wasteland Bases
Dystopian Wars: Battle Pics
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Uncharted Seas: Battle Pics
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Dystopian Wars: Dreadnoughts Report
First game - fired two salvos at an FSA battleship, one at rb4 and then rb3. Nearly double-critted it both times on sub par rolls.
Game 2 - His fsa dread sales into rb 2 and manages to cause a damage (thanks shields!). My return fire sees the tesla broadsides cause a fusion leak and I rolled a 6, so a total of 8 dead crew. The primaries opened fire then and cause another fusion leak finishing off the rest of the fsa dread in one turn of action!
My 2nd dread along with a task force of 1 bb and destroyers put 6 damage, 4 crew, and half AD on his other dread.
Both my dreads had dual shield generators which worked fairly well, usually negating 2-3 hits.
Painting up my 3rd dread right now - it will be a bit different - going with dual tesla generators.
All in all, the dreads present a serious weapon in the game and can deal out massive amounts of damage. Dystopian Wars also scales up nicely as you go from fairly small skirmishes to major fleet engagements. Games will take quite a bit longer though so be prepared to have about 4-5 hours set aside for huge games, especially if newer players are present.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
News: Salamanders Dreadnaught
"Bray’arth Ashmantle – Salamanders Venerable Dreadnought
The armouriums of the Salamanders Chapter contain many ancient relics; some bearing proud histories of glory and honour while others are burdened with darker legends. Sokhar Bray’arth, once a Captain of the Salamanders 4th Company, is the current occupant of the ancient relic-Dreadnought known as the Iron Dragon, fashioned it is said by the hands of the revered Salamanders Primarch, Vulkan, himself.
Bray’arth was interred within this revered artefact after succumbing to the grievous wounds he suffered during the now infamous purging of the moons of Ymgarl of its Genestealer taint. His strength of will combined with the dark machine-spirit of the Dreadnought in which he is entombed make for a potent warrior on the battlefield.
Salamanders Venerable Dreadnought Bray’arth Ashmantle is a unique MkIV Ironclad Dreadnought, designed by Simon Egan and Will Hayes. The model is packed with intricate detail including ornately carved and segmented armour plates, symbols of the Promethean Cult, and even a jaw-droppingly detailed bas-relief on the Dreadnought’s shoulder armour of Bray’arth’s death duel with a horde of Ymgarl-strain Genestealers."
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Dystopian Wars: Prussian Destroyers and Escorts Review
On to the rules...
Our escorts are great so no gripes there.
Destroyers... again not bad at all, but having a secondary weapon system would have made our destroyers awesome which is why the tesla coil being on the actual model really is annoying. Pack hunter + rear tesla could have been an interesting and effective option. Raise the points accordingly to match the extra weapon. As it is, I would say the FSA and Brittanian Destroyers are the most impressive of the bunch (model & rules), especially the FSA destroyers. It is going to be tough to deal with the crazy amount of firepower properly positioned FSA destroyers can unleash.
We'll be testing out the new ships this week so look for a battle report! In the meantime, what do you guys think?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Finecast Review: Astorath
Assembly was a breeze. No pinning necessary and ready to go in a few minutes. $20 ish is probably a bit high for something this size but so far I'm impressed with the Finecast. I've also picked up a Terminator librarian to replace an unopened metal one I had. No assembly yet but a quick inspection revealed no real flaws on the model. I'll be painting up this Astorath shortly.
What have your experiences been with Finecast?
Monday, July 4, 2011
News: Forgeworld Newsletter #278
"Hi there,
In this week’s newsletter we have for you a fantastic new Space Marine Dreadnought – the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought – along with the hotly-anticipated Carcharodons Transfer Sheet.
Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought
A true relic of the hallowed days of the Great Crusade, and of the heights of technological achievement once reached by the Imperium of Mankind, the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought was a mainstay of the armoured might of the Astartes Legions of old. Larger and stronger than standard pattern Dreadnoughts, the Contemptor’s systems featured many examples of techno-arcana steeped in the sacred mysteries of the Legio Cybernetica.
Due to their spearhead assault role in the epic battles of the Great Crusade, losses were high amongst these potent war machines, and in the shadowed aftermath of the Heresy the ability to produce or maintain the Contemptor was all but lost. However, some Chapters still boast these war-relics amongst their ranks, and whenever the Contemptor takes to the field of battle it is an echo of the power of ancient days.
The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought, designed by Will Hayes, is a detailed full resin kit that allows any Space Marine (or Chaos Space Marine) army to field one of these ancient war machines. Will has also designed two unique weapon options: a Contemptor Pattern Lascannon Arm and a Contemptor Pattern Close Combat Arm (Fist). These two weapons can be used on either side of the Dreadnought body, which is itself a fully poseable miniature.
Experimental rules for this storied and ancient Dreadnought are available to download now from the Forge World website, and this kit and its weapon arms are available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 25th July."