Sunday, September 20, 2009

Forgeworld: Newsletter #219

Hey all, hot on the heels of the last FW Newsletter, here is #219:


Hi There,
Another Games Day UK update for you this newsletter and the great news that we have our range of Forge World Weathering Powders now available to pre-order, and will be available at the show!
Look out for some more updates soon.

Alan Bligh
Forge World

Forge World Weathering Powders
Forge World is proud to present our new range of weathering powders, designed to let you create a wide range of realistic effects on your models, allowing you to affect the battle-scared, aged and weathered appearance of real-world fighting vehicles on your own Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer models with ease. Two of our resident painting and modelling gurus Phil Stutcinskas and Paul Rudge have prepared a brief guide on how to use them, which you can find Here.

We have six different weathering powders available, which you can either purchase individually or as a set, more information can be found Here.

Forge World Weathering Powders are available for pre-order now for release the week commencing the 28th of September, and we will also have plenty available for sale at Games Day UK.

Games Day UK Update
Forge World will be in attendance in force at Games Day UK. You can look forward to meeting our whole design and studio team. W`ell also have lots of display models, terrain boards, book previews and our huge sales stand with a massive range of stock, including our events only models and brand new releases in limited numbers for the day itself. Keep an eye on our updated Games day UK webpage, which you can find Here, for more information and previews.

If you would like to place a reservation order for Games Day UK, send us an email to or give us a ring on 0115 916 8177 with your name and order details by the 21st of September."

Not too much new stuff here. Again, the new weathering powders are simply phenomenal! Anyone lucky enough to attend GD UK should see a lot of new release and upcoming releases such as the Skaven and beyond!
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