Sunday, October 31, 2010

News: Mantic Newsletter - New Undead

Hello all, Slick here. Mantic's latest newsletter is out and the Undead are receiving some new minis! Check below for more info:

Mantic Games Newsletter

New Undead Releases - Coming Very Soon!

Continuing the momentum that has been generated by Mhorgoth's Revenge Fantasy Battle-set hitting the shelves, next month sees the release of two brand new sets for the Undead.

The Liche King we know has been a long awaited release, we have teased you with images of the fantastic sculpt by Matthew Bickley:
Painted by Chris Straw

The second big release is our Skeleton Archers:

Painted by Golem Painting Studio

Again these figures have been eagerly anticipated, All of us here at Mantic saw the excitement and buzz after we released the first version of our army lists, and the archers were included. We were inundated with contact forms asking when we were releasing the models. The wait is very nearly over, you will be able to pick up your very own box-set soon.

Both of these sets are advance orders, they will start shipping out from the 26th of November 2010.
Halloween Special - German Zombies!

Halloween is this weekend, so today sees the release of our limited edition German Zombies!

Painted by Golem Painting Studio

Mantic, in combination with Warlord Games, are offering this special plastic kit for Halloween this year. For those of you who saw our newsletter last week and decided to pre-order one of these fantastic kits, your orders will be shipping out today. However if you haven't already picked up your own German Zombies, don't worry, you can buy yours now!

This set combines the brand new Zombie sprues from Mantic with those of the Warlord plastic Germans (guns n all!), you’ll be able to make 10 (or more depending on your imagination) German Zombies! Furthermore, for all of you Zombie fanatics out there, we will also be offering the Osprey Zombie Book in a separate package as well!

For more details on these two fiendishly delightful Halloween Specials, go to the website now!

November Rules Special

To celebrate the release of the 2010 edition of our Rules, we have decided that for all of November, any web orders made during this month will receive a printed copy of the rules completely free!

We have also put the 2010 editions of our Elf, Undead and Dwarf Armylists for FREE download on our website in our new Gaming section.

Here you’ll be able to find all of the stats and special rules for the units playable in Kings of War and in the future we hope to update it with tactics, suggested army lists and much much more.

This section will constantly be updated and is the only place to find all the very latest Gaming materials! Check it out here!

Last chance to pick up a free Messenger Bag!

We have decided that it is time to bring one of our longest running offers to an end.

So this weekend is your last chance to pick your free Mantic Messenger Bag with any order over £50/€75/$99. So head over to our website now to make sure you don't miss out!

Events - Essen Spiel and Lucca Games

Well we had a cracking time at Essen Spiel, it was a massive event, and we were busy throughout, which was great. We always enjoy meeting our customers, and trade shows like Essen are one of the best ways to do that.

Directly from Essen, quite a few of our staff carried on to Lucca. This looks set to be just as an amazing few days, and with Alessio running demo games of Kings of War and the Italian version of the Mhorgoth’s Fantasy Battleset on the shelves, we are sure the event is going to be a good one!

Check out our Events Diary for all show details; where, when and how to find us!

Events - Hobbycraft Havant

This weekend also sees Mantic at Hobbycraft Havant. We will be in the store on Saturday to help promote our miniatures.

We will have demo games of Kings of War running, to give people a feel for the game. Also we will be running painting sessions to give people a chance to experiment with our model and paint range.

It is set to be a great day, so please pop into the store and come and see us.

Apocalypse: Assault on Darius IX Mission 5

Hello all, Slick here. Mission 5 for the Assault on Darius IX Apocalypse campaign is now available! This will be the final mission for 2010. The campaign will pick up again in January.

Game Preserve Apocalypse Campaign 2010
The Assault on Darius IX

Part 2: The Imperium Strikes Back

Mission 5 – This is the War We Wanted

Victory for the Imperium... the daring assault caught Chaos forces ill-prepared and Imperial forces plan to press the attack even more in order to retake Darius IX! However, scattered reports of a large number of unidentified Xenos craft entering the system may spell doom for all those fighting around Darius IX...

Objective: - Imperial forces continue to counter-attack Chaos forces across multiple battlefronts. A wave of Xenos forces has entered the system and is attacking anything it comes across, be they Imperial or Chaos. The Imperial and Chaos forces will have to contend with this new threat while also battling each other for control. All sides want to gain as much territory as possible.

The team with the most objectives at the end of the game wins the battle.

Special Rules: There will be three major war zones for this battle: hive city, foothills, and ash wastes. Each war zone will have a number of objectives. Teams will add all objectives in their control across all war zones at the end of the battle to determine the victor.

Players will divide into Imperial, Chaos, and Xenos teams. Each site will nominate a supreme commander. Commanders will assign their players to war zones of their choice. Once all players have been assigned to a war zone, the game will proceed as normal. Each war zone will act as a separate game of Apocalypse although assets not tied to specific formations used by players will be distributed by each side's respective supreme commanders as they see fit. Thus, if 5k points of Imperials are facing 6k points of Orks, the Imperial player will receive extra assets to as normal to make up the difference.

In order to attack a war zone, a player with at least 3k points must be assigned to it. In the case of the Xenos team, this may be the entire team if there are not enough players/points to attack any other war zones. Each Supreme Commander assigns one 'sub-commander' (player) at a time. Only two teams will be present in any given war zone. Up to two players per team may be assigned to a war zone. This is to prevent one team simply focusing their entire attack on one war zone.

Players should bring armies of 3-4k points. Having extra models along is also a good idea in order to balance out points.

Order of Deployment:

1) Xenos players will choose the first war zone they wish to attack.

2) Imperial players will choose the first war zone they wish to attack.

3) Chaos players will choose the first war zone they wish to defend.

4) Repeat steps 1-3 as necessary.

Imperial forces receive the following assets for free: Surgical Raids, Scheduled Bombardment (each bombardment may target a different war zone)

Chaos forces receive the following assets for free: Indiscriminate Bombardment (may choose any war zone)

Chaos forces may not take Careful Planning.

Each side must also nominate their supreme commander for this battle.

The following characters will be MIA for this battle due to serious wounds: Commissar Yarrick.

The following characters are confirmed dead and may not be used the rest of the campaign: Khan, Azrael, Belial.

As usual, super heavies must start the game on the table.

Determining the Victor – At the end of the game, determine who controls each strategic objective as follows:

• A unit controls an objective if it is in base contact with that objective and no enemy units are in base contact with that objective. The team with the most objectives under their control is the winner. Each objective taken, or not taken, will impact the forces and special rules available to players/teams in subsequent battles. If a unit is in base contact with more than one objective, the owning player must choose which objective it is attempting to control.

Scoring Units: Unlike in normal games of Warhammer 40,000, all non-vehicle units count as scoring units.

Wipeout!: Regardless of all other victory conditions, if at the end of the game the enemy has no units left on the table, you win the game!

Assets: Players will each have access to one strategic asset. Armies not painted to the 3-color minimum must use the Ash Wastes asset. Players can gain additional Assets by using various legendary units and formations. Teams may not have more than one copy of the same asset unless they get these through legendary formations and choosing an asset from their allotment.

Sequence of Play

Pre-game – Setup the Battlefield & Place Objectives

1 Pick Army

2 Select Teams & Nominate Supreme Commanders

3 Set Time Limit

4 Pick Strategic Assets
• If one side has fewer points, then they receive one extra asset for every full 250 points difference.

5. Deployment
• Each side will bid on the their deployment time as normal with the team bidding the lowest time also deploying first and taking the first turn. Superheavies must start the game on the table.
• Units not set up are in Strategic Reserve

6 Fight the Battle

7 Victory! – Players add up the number of objectives. The team with the most objectives wins.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

News: Dystopian Wars

Hello all, Slick here. The latest from Spartan Games reveals a brand new game coming our way. Check out the link to read more about Dystopian Wars! The game seems similar to their other products, perhaps integrating land, sea, and air battles. These initial ships look simply amazing!

News: GW Newsletter - Scenery for Anyone

Hello all, Slick here. GW's latest newsletter features some amazing new terrain for Warhammer Fantasy! These are also featured in this month's White Dwarf. The Tower of Sorcery kit appears to be modular which will present some cool conversion possibilities.

The Games Workshop Newsletter 26.10.2010
In this issue: Scenery for anyone

Advance Order

This month, two incredible new Warhammer buildings are available to advance order.

Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery

Sculpted by Dave Andrews, Witchfate Tor is a majestic Tower of Sorcery that stands four floors high. With rooms in which to place your models, ledges, battlements, a secret door, as well as more intricate features inside such as statues and skulls, it is a remarkably detailed building. and an impressive structure to feature on the gaming table.

On the battle-field you can use Witchfate Tor to represent a piece of arcane architecture, a Wizard's Towers or even impassable terrain adding even more depth and narrative to your games of Warhammer.

Wizards, Mages and Shamans can all fight for dominance of Witchfate Tor, and so can you - order this resplendent centrepiece today.

Dreadstone Blight Dreadstone Blight

Dreadstone Blight is a ruined tower, which acts as a ruined structure for your battlefield. The base features the Wheel of Magic, while the walls and floors can slot into numerous decayed configurations. Order Dreadstone Blight for your tabletop today.

Scenery for all - the Citadel range

There is a full range of epic buildings and scenery available that provides great terrain to battle over, making excellent inspiration for your hobby. Here is a selection from the Citadel range.

Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard

This Gameboard features six detailed sections that fit together to form a 6' x 4' table, and is made from the same plastics as your miniatures. It can provide a central hill, a large valley, or an open plain on which to engage in epic battles.

Citadel Wood Citadel Wood

The 70-piece kit contains a scenic base and enough components to make three trees and in a variety of combinations - create a Venom Thicket or an Abyssal Wood. Woods are also ideal terrain in which to deploy your skirmishers.

Citadel Hill Citadel Hill

This is a pre-textured plastic Gaming Hill, which is easy to paint. This flexible piece of terrain can be situated anywhere on the battlefield, providing The High Ground Combat Resolution bonus.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Apocalypse: Assault on Darius IX Mission #4 Pics

Hello all, Slick here. Pics from the 'D-Day' battle are up! Victory for the Imperium!


News: Incoming! Skaven

Hello all, Slick here. The latest news from GW brings us a 2nd wave of Skaven releases set for Janaury. It would appear that a set of plastic weapons teams will be among this wave along with a few metal blisters.

The Games Workshop Newsletter 17.10.2010
In this issue: Incoming! Skaven

Incoming! Skaven

In January 2011, following the epic release of The Island of Blood, the Skaven will be receiving reinforcements, including new models - visit the website tomorrow for more information from the Studio. And with these new additions gathering on the horizon, there is no better time to start up or expand your very own Skaven army. Here are some essential items to prepare for war:

The Island of Blood The Island of Blood

This set contains all you need to start playing Warhammer - including two complete armies. If you want to get a serious number of ratmen on the gaming table, then this set is great value for money.

Warhammer Armies: Skaven Warhammer Armies: Skaven

This Warhammer Armies book contains all the rules you need to field a Skaven army, and provides excellent information on the background, bestiary, artwork and features an 'Eavy Metal showcase. Just to thing to help Skaven players plot their nefarious schemes...

Skaven Stormvermin Skaven Stormvermin

Skaven possess great strength in large packs of their own kind, so you can add to your army with their fighting elite, the large and aggressive Stormvermim. This set contains 20 multi-part plastic figures armed with halberds.

Doomwheel Doomwheel

For the more experienced player, why not try adding the Doomeheel to your army. A blend of all the science, sorcery and ingenuity of the Skaven, the Doomwheel whirs quickly across the battlefield, unleashing deadly warp lightning bolts and crushing all in its path.

News: Mantic's Kings of War

Hello all, Slick here. Check out the latest from Mantic, as their Kings of War starter set approaches release date! It's packed with over 100 minis! Does it stand up to Isle of Blood? You decide.

Mantic Games Newsletter

The Kings of War Game is nearly here!

That’s right – no sooner have we cleared out our backlog of Zombie orders, we are now coming to the biggest release so far; the Kings of War rule set is released next week!

The Mhorgoth’s Revenge Fantasy Battle Set, Undead Army Set and Dwarf Army Set will all be packed with this great new set of rules from the off, letting you get the monstrous number of figures in these sets onto the tabletop with a quality set of rules to let you start gaming!

Whether you know someone who is new to the hobby, a club who wants to check out the Mantic figures, or you are simply looking for the perfect Christmas present for the kids this winter, the Mhorgoth’s Revenge Battle Set contains two legal armies of Dwarfs and Undead, the rules, stats and dice; perfect for starting up.

We’re also working on translating the rules into a number of different languages – the German edition will be available at Essen Spiel and from next week you'll be able get it from the website as well! With translations into Spanish, French and Italian and others to come as well, keep watching this space.

The Undead and Dwarf Army Sets let you pick the army of your choice, with the rules. This means is you know the army you want, there will be no need to buy a starter set, and sell half the box on eBay! Great if you know which army you prefer or if you’ve already picked up a box or two of our figures and decide you want to expand.

The back of the battle set reveals the overwhelming number of miniatures in the set

The zombies created a backlog of orders, and a few days delay, and we expect the release of the Mhorgoth’s Revenge Battleset will have a similar effect – we’ve already taken orders for double our forecast and have long surpassed the 1000 mark, (all of whom are getting a free Mantic Journal!). Orders placed after the pre-release date may experience a few days delay.

The Mhorgoth’s Revenge Fantasy Battle Set is available for pre-order now and will begin shipping on the 22th October – reserve your copy of this fantastic set now! The Dwarf Army Set is now available for pre-order now, but will be shipping on November 5th!

Zombie Sprues Available This Weekend!

Containing a fanatical number of zombies, (and the packing problems that caused!) meant we had to end the Zombie Horde box set, leaving the solitary Zombie Regiment to stand in its place - fully 30 Zombies, for a shockingly low price!

Undead Zombies painted by Andrew Wedmore

Those of you lucky enough to nab a box of Zombies will know they were literally crawling out of the box, the pack was so tight, and with huge demand for the Game set we have taken the Zombie Horde off the online store.

However, to cushion the blow of losing the Zombie Horde we wanted to give you a chance to buy man-sized units - so for this weekend only we have loose Zombie sprues available on the website! Check them out here – ends on Monday 18th October!

Events - Essen Spiel and Lucca Games

Mantic will be attending the Spiel event in Essen next week and what a blinder it is shaping up to be! We will have German editions of the Fantasy Battle Set available as well as the entire Mantic product line.

Of course, if you’d like to try before you buy, why not stop by for a demo game with our studio armies? Alessio will be present to answer any queries and the rest of the guys will be on hand to talk about all things hobby!

Make you sure you stop by stand 6-806, in Halle 6.

The road-trip doesn’t stop there though as the guys take the Mantic roadshow to Lucca Games in Italy as we support our exclusive distributor; Steel Models. There you’ll be able to grab Alessio for a game of KOW – just don’t beat him too badly - as well as be able to pick up the Italian version of the ruleset.

These two events are shaping up to be huge – dare you miss it?

Coming soon...

The release schedule never sleeps and the coming months are no different. Here’s a little taster as to what is to come:

- Dwarf Army Set
- Dwarf Shieldbreakers troop
- Dwarf Shieldbreakers Regiment
-Undead Archers
-Undead Liche King with Revenant Guard

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Imperial Guard: Vendetta WIP

Hello all, Slick here. Today I have some wip pics of my first Vendetta. The various lenses and optical equipment still need detailing as well as adding squadron markings. Comments welcome!

News: Forgeworld Newsletter #252

Hello all, Slick here again. Hot on the heels of Gamesday, Forgeworld now has the excellent new Necron Tomb Stalker and Mega Grot Tank available for pre-order! These are definitely cool additions to their respective ranges.

"Hi there,
In this Newsletter, we have some fantastic news for Ork (or more properly Gretchin) and Necron players in the shape of two fantastic resin kits that are now available to pre-order.
We’ve also got some news about our Show schedule and the upcoming Italian and German Games Days.

Ead Brown

Necron Tomb Stalker Available to Pre-Order Now

Necron Tomb StalkerThe Tomb Stalker is a previously unseen type of Necron construct armed with potent Gauss weaponry and razor-edged talons, which adds a devastating mix of firepower and combat ability to any Necron army. Designed by Will Hayes, this intricately detailed full resin kit can be constructed in a huge variety of dynamic positions as you can see in these images.

The Tomb Stalker is a huge, un-living machine, a swift and tireless engine of murder built to eternally protect the ancient sepulchres of the Necron Lords. The arcane machinery of the Tomb Stalker detects the pulse of life through hundreds of metres of solid rock, unerringly homing in on its unwitting prey and using a form of phase field to part solid matter like water. Imperial Armour writer Alan Bligh has put together a set of experimental rules for this sleek and ancient instrument of destruction that you can download here.

The Tomb Stalker is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing October 25th.

Grot Mega Tank Available to Pre-Order Now
Grot Mega TankThe Grot Mega Tank represents the pinnacle of Gretchin-built Heavy Tank technology, an overpowering war machine that drives all before it in a storm of scrap and destruction. Designed by Stuart Williamson, this full resin kit is festooned with unique details as you can see here, and Stuart has designed each turret to be fully cross-compatible with the Grot Tanks that he has previously worked on.

Hammered together out of junk, spare Mekboy know-wotz and unbridled Grot enthusiasm, the Grot Mega Tank adds even more firepower to the battlefield madness that has come to be known as a Grotzkrieg, terrifying Imperial Tacticians, Eldar Farseers and Chaos Warlords alike. Taking a brief break from his work on The Badab War Part II, Alan Bligh has created a set of experimental rules for the Grot Mega Tank that you can find here.

The Grot Mega Tank is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing October 25th."

Uncharted Seas: October Releases

Hello all, Slick here. The latest news from Spartan Games brings us a whole host of new models for Uncharted Seas! Every race is getting some reinforcements and these new minis look amazing! Check the link for detailed information:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fantasy Tournament: Dogs of War vs Empire (Game 3)

1 Comment
Hello all, Slick here. Today I am going to add a recount of the final game from the Fantasy tournament where the Dogs of War took home the top spot. I knew that after winning the first two games I would be playing one of the other two top players. I ended up being paired against Empire. His army list featured quite a few troops. I was definitely going to be outnumbered. His list was something like the following:

Lvl 2 Wizard
Captain on a warhorse
6 Knights + FC
2 large blocks of infantry: Spearmen and Halberdiers
Each infantry block had detachments

Deployment for this battle was diagonal. He put all of his infantry on one flank while the mortar was in the middle with a commanding view of the battlefield. His archers were up on a small hill on the other side of the table along with the unit of knights + captain. I deployed my duellists close to where his knights were, my x-bows were arranged along the center and my pikes were on the flank, hoping to somehow beat over 40 empire troops. To support them, my other duellist unit deployed in a forest on this flank hoping to get through it quickly and march block his troops so that the pikes could at least get a one on one battle. My cannon was deploy towards the center of my line at the edge of another forest. Although I should have gone first, my opponent ended up stealing the first turn and promptly ended up declaring a charge against the duellists with his knights. After debating the stand & shoot I decided to flee and came within an inch of the duellists running off the table! Not a good beginning. The failed charge brought his knights past the hill his archers were holding (this will be important on my turn). His mortar and archers kill off a few x-bows and marksmen. His magic phase was uneventful.

My pikes advance along the flank, moving onto a low hill, edging along the forest my other duellists were advancing through. Checking the angles, I reform the marksmen so that my cannon now has a clear flank shot on his knight unit led by the captain. My duellists rally at the table edge. My magic phase saw a fireball blast apart a few spearmen. I opened my shooting phase with a cannon shot against his knights. The ball lands just in front of the knights and then bounces the full 10 inches! All of his knights and the captain die! This was the shot of the tournament and it took my opponent a good minute or two to pick his jaw up off of the table. He had lost nearly a third of his points with that unit and this left only his archers on that side of the board.

His second turn sees his mortar scatter off and his magic killed a pikeman. His infantry blocks advanced toward my pikemen with a spearmen unit making a successful charge against them. He decided to buff his wizard with the flaming sword. Shooting saw the archers kill 2 duellists. In combat my pikes ended up killing about 12 spearmen altogether and the paymaster eliminated his wizard while taking a wound in return. I ended up losing about 5 pikes in return. He broke from combat and I pursued and caught the spearmen. My turn saw the duellists advance to be able to shoot the archers as well as the xbows move up to support that attack. My cannon tried a shot at the morter and stuck in the ground 1 inch before the machine. The duellists killed off two archers while the other duellist unit shot up a detachment which promptly panicked and fled off the board. I decided to be proactive and charge with the pikes against a detachment. The detachment held, were wiped out, and I overran into his big block of halberdiers. The halberdier detachment then got the flank of the pikes. This was making the best of a bad situation as he could have positioned himself to surround the pikes on three sides if left alone. The pikes hot streak cooled down as they only killed about 8 halberdiers total (including attacks from the captain and paymaster!). In return the pikes lost another 7 but altogether combat ended up as a draw (lucky for me).

His third turn saw the mortar misfire and explode! His archers killed a duellist. Combat saw the pikes get bloodied further with only a few more halberdiers being killed. This was finally too much for the Leopards and they promptly fled through the woods with a lot of angry empire soldiers in pursuit. My turn saw the x-bows and duellists kill 8 archers who did not panic. The pikes continued to run through the forest. My wizard blasted his halberdier detachment while my other duellists put a few more shots into his big halberd block, killing 2. His fourth turn saw the infantry blocks charge the pikes who fled further, emerging the forest near the xbows. His archers whiffed. My next turn saw the archers finally eliminated, the pikes rally and a few more shots against the halberd blocks. Time was called and we tallied up points with a hard fought victory going to the Dogs!

With a massacre and two wins, plus good soft scores, the Dogs won the tournament by a comfortable margin.

Lessons learned:

The lessons from game 2 and really the entire tournament were reinforced here. Pikes simply cannot compete as a main combat unit in 8th. It may seem counter-intuitive, but pikes (if used) will be best served as smaller units to hold flanks. In my opinion Pizarro's becomes the premier RoR pike unit now and they should be able to handle most opposing flankers. I really like the buff spell available from lore of metal (+1 armor save). I am going to see if this will work well with Ricco's: 4+ save pikes could at least provide a measure of resiliency albeit still a points sink.

Getting a flank shot with a cannon is pure awesomeness. The fact that Dogs of War cannons are no longer D3 is a major boost and for a mere 85 points, they are virtually mandatory in any list.

Overall Impressions of 8th:

There are many changes to the game brought about by 8th and surprisingly, almost all of them good. The game is quite balanced at the moment and I sincerely hope that the next crop of army books does not destroy this. The game does not need a second coming of the issues that resulted from the Demons codex. While GW has all but officially disowned the Dogs of War, 8th edition actually made our list more competitive. Taking away our ability to use Ogre Kingdoms ogres is a real blow, but overall the positive changes with this edition tend to outweigh this dark spot. Dogs of War players have a lot or rethinking to do with regard to our army list. The tournament was definitely a learning experience and it will be fun to delve deeper into the varies strategies and tactics that this new edition allows.

Imperial Guard: Low-Tech Guardsmen

Hello all, Slick here. Today I finally have a small update for my Imperial Guard. I found some more old WW2 Russian minis and rather than keep sitting in a box I decided to get them some bases and buildup a small squad for use in the Imperial Guard. They will represent the remains of a regiment from a low-tech world where even the commonplace lasgun is rare. Instead they all will have 'autoguns'. Pictured here are wip pics of teh first five which includes a flamer. There are about three more to go and then it'll be on to some details and basing. Comments welcome!

Tournament: 1000 Point Uncharted Seas

Hello all, Slick here. Information for our upcoming Uncharted Seas tournament can be found here!

News: GW Newsletter - Dark Eldar Advance Order

Hello all, Slick here. GW's latest newsletter is out and the Dark Eldar are up for advance order now! The clock is ticking as their release date approaches. Who will be starting up a Dark Eldar army? It will be interesting to see if they can handle mech guard.

In this issue: Advance Order: Dark Eldar Now

Advance Order: Dark Eldar

The Warrior Kabals have arrived
The Warrior Kabals have arrived

The Dark Eldar live to inflict misery and death. The cruellest of all the Warhammer 40,000 armies, they are sadists without equal. Re-launched with a vicious host of new miniatures, including the merciless Wyches and elite Incubi, the Dark Eldar have, for the first time ever, a Codex that details the depraved history of their race. Visit the Warhammer 40,000 Advance Order section for everything you need to field your own kabal of twisted murderers and diabolical raiders.

News: Mantic Newsletter - Beta Testing Ending Soon

Hello all, Slick here. Mantic's close beta testing for Kings of War will be ending soon! I've tried the rules out and they are fun (with a few issues here and there). There are of course some similarities to 8th ed Fantasy. Have any of you tried the rules? What do you think?

Mantic Games Newsletter

Close Beta Testing Ending Soon!

As swarms of Zombies now begin flooding the world, and you all continue playtesting the Kings of War ruleset to breaking point, Mantic would like to thank each and every one of you who have supplied feedback to help improve our great game!

Zombies painted by Andrew Wedmore

The closed Beta is officially ending on Monday, whilst we make the changes to the rules, read through and gather your feedback before sending the files off to print. Then we pack them with the crazy amount of miniatures you find in the Mhorgoth's Revenge Fantasy Battleset and release the game into the wilderness with the 2010 rules set!

As a big thank you bonus for all those who pre-order, or purchase the first edition, we will be adding 10 more Revenant models, with a command group - giving a total of 110 models - for just £40/€ 50/$65.

Alessio has already been looking at ways to alter one or two things for the better and you’ve still got this weekend to offer your feedback if you want to have an effect on the version that’ll go to print.

Just in case you missed the rules, here is the link again - just click on the logo below to get your FREE download:

We’ve some great things planned for this game including expanded mini-army books for our three current armies, tournament play and cross-over army lists too. The Mhorgoth's Revenge Fantasy Battleset pre-orders will begin shipping no later than the 22nd October, so if you haven’t got one on pre-order, now’s the time to do it – you will get them hot off the press!

Meet the Mantic Team - Open Day Tickets in Short Supply!

The 9th October see’s an open house at Mantic, with a host of activities and industry celebrities including Alessio Cavatore, Bob Naismith and Mike McVey gracing the Hallowed Halls of 23 Barker Gate.

As we are now finalising numbers, working out how many tea bags we’ll need and giving our team medical support after some frantic activities shipping out hordes of zombies from the warehouse, Open Day tickets are now in limited supply.

A young novice tried his hand at Kings of War -
he promptly lost (really? Ed).

If you want to catch up and chat with Ronnie and co, join in a few gaming and painting demonstration or simply want to show off your own Mantic armies, make sure you grab your Mantic Tickets now, we’ll be giving everyone who comes a heap of free stuff as they come through the door, and you get to spend your Saturday talking about toy soldiers!

For anyone struggling to come, we hear Nottingham is a great shopping experience for any troublesome wives or girlfriends!

Please note: Mantic Towers does not have full disabled access, please let us know in advance should you require special assistance.

Packing Madness

All September’s new releases have began shipping. Our team is looking tired and haggard, (and then they went to the warehouse!) and have been very busy shipping out Zombies, Dwarf metal, Undead Army Sets and Mantic Journals!

We had an unprecedented amount of pre-orders and a late surge really saw the gatekeepers to the Mantic boxsets working overtime. We’d like to thank everyone who placed an order for any of these sublime sets, and in thanking you for your patience as we work through getting them out the door. We are putting huge numbers of boxes in the mail system - your models will be with you any day now.

Each Warehouse Ninja is tasked to make up to 10,000 Warhosts a day - this is Clive's effort, standing nearly 12 ft tall.

You can check out the list of what is now shipping here.

By pre-ordering you ensure you get your sets before anyone else and the demand we’re currently seeing for our army deals and fantasy battle set is staggering. We reckon you lot are just as excited about huge armies fighting mass battles as we are, so if you want to get our hands on the most affordable bundle of miniatures ever, check out our army deals and offers here.

Free Zombie Sprue Continues!

Please remember that in addition to the FREE Mantic Messenger Bag we are giving away with all orders over £50, €75 and $99, and because they've been so popular, we are continuing to give away a free Zombie Sprue with all orders until the end of the month!for the next couple of weeks!

Zombies - finger licking good.

These offers will be ending soon and the Zombies are nearly out of stock so, with a free sprue, free postage and a free bag, why would you wait?!

Shipping soon...

The Mantic Release schedule is a free-flowing river of plastic and metal boxsets that never seems to cease and we’ll be having even more releases in October!

With reinforcements for the Dwarfs coming soon in the shape of the fearsome Shieldbreakers, mighty Dwarfs armed with great two-handed weapons, these new figures will be previewed on the blog and will be put up for pre-order soon!

Last month saw the release of the fantastic Dwarf King's War Counsel, including this Berserker Lord.

In addition, 22nd October marks the date that the seminal Mhorgoth’s Revenge Fantasy Battleset begins shipping. Over 100 plastic miniatures split between two evenly matched Kings of War armies; this set contains the gorgeous new zombies and comes bundled with the rules, dice and stats to play the game!

Keep an eye out for all of our latest advance orders and new release here!


Even with summer over, the world of toy soldier shows stops for no-one and we are pleased to announce that October is chocker full of them – and we’ll be at as many as we can!

With the Old Glory World Wargames this weekend in Derby, the Essen Spiele and Lucca Games convention in Germany and Italy respectively, Mantic will be doing it’s best to attend as many as possible, with a heap of plastic miniatures, our gorgeous painted figures and even a few demonstration games!

More details about our Spiel and Lucca attendance to come, but why not come up to Derby this weekend and catch up with us? For all the details on the latest shows and events, please check out our Events Diary!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fiberglass Demon: The Return

Hello all,

It's the triumphant return of the Fiberglass Demon. Been a long time everyone and I apologize for the lapse in posts. I have started a new project after a long break from the Warhammer 40K world. I am currently working on an infantry based Imperial Guard force that I am enjoying quite a bit. It is fun to play and the one model at a time approach I am taking for the painting is turning out to be very rewarding. Giving each model the attention that I would normally give only to characters is making the army appear very striking on the table top. I will have pictures coming in the next few weeks as I try to complete the 1500 point list for a local tournament coming late next month. They are coming along at a rate of about two models a day from primer to finish and a tank is taking me most of a day to complete. I am working hard on getting them done so please be patient while waiting for the pictures to go up.

Rest assured devoted followers I will be posting more often than ever as I have found a project that I am not only enjoying but a list that is very competitive and a blast to play. Until next time keep the paint flowing and share our amazing hobby with someone every chance you get.
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