Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fiberglass Demon: The Return

Hello all,

It's the triumphant return of the Fiberglass Demon. Been a long time everyone and I apologize for the lapse in posts. I have started a new project after a long break from the Warhammer 40K world. I am currently working on an infantry based Imperial Guard force that I am enjoying quite a bit. It is fun to play and the one model at a time approach I am taking for the painting is turning out to be very rewarding. Giving each model the attention that I would normally give only to characters is making the army appear very striking on the table top. I will have pictures coming in the next few weeks as I try to complete the 1500 point list for a local tournament coming late next month. They are coming along at a rate of about two models a day from primer to finish and a tank is taking me most of a day to complete. I am working hard on getting them done so please be patient while waiting for the pictures to go up.

Rest assured devoted followers I will be posting more often than ever as I have found a project that I am not only enjoying but a list that is very competitive and a blast to play. Until next time keep the paint flowing and share our amazing hobby with someone every chance you get.
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