"Hi there,
With just over a week until the 2011 Forge World Open Day at Warhammer World, we have some exciting news about the first pre-release kit that will be on sale there - the mighty Eldar Phantom Titan!
Eldar Phantom Titan on sale at the Forge World Open Day

Each Phantom is the pinnacle of Eldar warcraft. Linked to a wraithbone core containing the living spirit of its previous pilots, the single crewman of each Phantom Titan, known as a Steersman, is an Exarch dedicated to this aspect of warfare. Locked in a trance-like state, the Steersman’s consciousness merges with the spirit-sentience of the Titan, enabling the mighty war machine to react and manoeuvre with astonishing speed.
The Phantom Titan is most commonly armed with at least one immense Phantom Pulsar, a long range and rapid-firing energy weapon far superior to anything sanctioned by the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Phantom’s other primary weapon is often a Phantom D-Cannon; much larger and more powerful than similar technology used by the Cobra or Warp Hunter, it tears a seething warp-rift in the fabric of reality to engulf and utterly destroy its foe. As well as these primary weapons, the Phantom is armed with shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft and anti-personnel missile launchers as well as an additional heavy weapon; usually a long-barrelled Star Cannon or Pulse Laser. Adeptus Mechanicus logis-engines also record other primary weapons systems that have been encountered in the long history of conflict between the Imperium and the Eldar.
The Phantom Titan is the tallest war machine Forge World has ever designed. First showcased at an early stage of development at Games Day UK 2010, designer Will Hayes has now finished crafting this graceful masterpiece. Packed with lavish external and internal detail, including a stunning cockpit interior sculpted by Simon Egan, the Phantom Titan has taken a full year to complete, such is the degree of detail and workmanship that this most impressive model (we can’t call it a miniature!) boasts.
The Phantom Titan will be on sale for the very first time at the Forge World Open Day. You’ll be able to admire a fully painted example of this majestic model over on our Studio stand, where Will Hayes will also be explaining exactly how such a project is undertaken.
Full technical information and background for the Phantom Titan will be provided in Imperial Armour Volume 11: The Doom of Mymeara along with full rules for fielding what is the single most powerful model currently available in Warhammer 40,000.
At the Forge World Open Day you’ll be able to peruse a work-in-progress copy of this hotly-anticipated book on our Studio stand, as well as direct your questions to Forge World’s Book Design team, who are currently working on it."