Hey all, another Newsletter from Mantic just hit the ol inbox. More excellent minis are on the way from Mantic! The buzz surrounding Mantic is pretty good right now. I'd also like to point out the section on prices being lowered. (Yes you heard correctly!) Mantic (unlike a certain other company) is actually lowering prices! Read on for details. It also looks like the Undead are rising in full force now:
And the Dead shall keep rising, and they shall be unstoppable, and the world will tremble!
Today sees the second wave of plastic miniatures from Mantic's fear causing Undead range set free from their Master's wicked claws. Well, less dramatically, we mean they are available for pre-order ;).
Four brand new box sets are now available for pre-order, including the Balefire Catapult and Battery, the Omens of Death Detachment and the eagerly anticipated and utterly grotesque Ghoul models.
Capable of flinging a torrent of magic imbued skulls at the enemy, the Balefire Catapult is an unholy machine of destruction that inspires terror and hatred in equal measure. Available as either a single box set or as a battery, the Balefire Catapult comes with a complete skeletal crew and gives the Undead the ability to reap serious carnage on the battlefield. To see these new sets, you can find the Balefire Catapult
here and the Balefire Battery

The Catapult is also included in the new Omens of Death detachment, combining the Skeleton Regiment set with this arcane warmachine, all in one deep (48mm) carry case box – a great start, or addition, to any Skeleton force. The Omens of Death Detachment is available now from the webstore and can be found
And last, but by no means least, the Ghouls. Simply put, we believe them to be some of the best plastic fantasy figures ever produced! Devolved, cannibalistic creatures, the Ghoul box set offers a choice of heads and weapons, and interchangeable torsos and legs. These parts give a massive choice of poses and modelling options. (They are also disgusting and depraved enough that some have said they might use them as Zombies, or other disturbing creatures of the night!). They come in boxes of 10, and have an offer on a 3 pack multi-buy.

You can find more details on the Ghoul Troop by clicking
here, and the new Ghoul Troop Deal
here. Please go and have a look at our new offerings and put some comments up on the blog.
Finally, the Skeleton Regiments start shipping next week, so the pre-order deals finish Sunday night, and look out for them in the post, or your local gaming store soon. All these fantastic new box sets are released in February, and available for pre-order from the
webstore. Isn't the New Year a perfect time to start collecting an army of slavering, twisted abominations, and massed ranks of terrifying Skeletal infantry, supported by devastating and fear-inducing Warmachines, all in your quest for evil domination? Bwah-ha-ha!
Calling Gamers everywhere: Prayers finally answered: Miniature prices go down!!!!You have been asking and praying for it all your life, and finally it has happened – a toy soldier company has LOWERED ITS PRICES!
In a recent interview, the Managing Director said ‘I think this is a World first: for 25 years miniature prices have always defied gravity and gone up and up and up!’
Well, now Mantic (already world renowned for providing a superb product at an unbelievably reasonable price) has gone stark raving mad – and lowered its already great prices across the Eurozone. The cost of a number of box sets in Europe have been reduced, including the core regiment set and the Warhosts – this applies to the Undead pre-orders and any future orders for the Elves.

Seriously, the strength of the Euro has allowed to reduce prices, and pass on the benefits to you. We had a number of comments that pointed out the discrepancy, and once we looked into it, we wanted to act. Please visit the web site to see the new Euro prices in action, and thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Mantic is bursting out!Although most of our massive sack of correspondence comes in on email these days, we thought you might like to know that we have out–grown our current premises, so we are moving to our new and much nicer venue next Monday – all so we can fit more models and wargames tables in! The new address is up on the site in the
contact us section, so please snail mail us there, and if you are ever in Nottingham and want to visit, give us a call and you can swing by!